Newcrest’s Cadia concentrator operating again

sagCadia mine’s 1 SAG mill is back in operation following a breakdown earlier this year.

The mill broke down in late October, raising some concerns as the 1 SAG mill processes more than two thirds of all throughput at the mine.

According to Newcrest the issue has now been rectified.

“Following repairs and a period of operational testing, Concentrator 1 SAG mill at Cadia is now operating at full capacity,” Newcrest said in a company statement.

This is well ahead of the December target some in the market put forward for eventual repair.

“Engineers have determined that he mill motor will eventually require a full rewind,” Newcrest added.

“The timing of the rewind will be subject to the availability of long lead time parts and will be incorporated into the maintenance schedule when it is considered convenient or appropriate to do so,” it said.

“Installation of the conveyor to bypass the mill, transporting ore from the high pressure grinding rolls to the ball mill circuit, remains on schedule to be completed in early December 2015; this will provide future operating flexibility.”

The stockpiles of ore generated during the mill’s downtime over the last five weeks will reportedly be processed by the end of the current financial year, meaning Cadia’s cost, capital, and production guidance is unlikely to be significantly changed.

Newcrest Mining Ltd Quarterly Report