The 2015 Metals Outlook Series: Nickel

The story of nickel is finally one of stability.

Since 2005 the me­tal has been wracked by skyrocketing highs and sharp declines that have caused massive job losses and uncertainty that has seen an exodus from the sector by many of the larger players.

Much of this was due to a fall in stainless steel demand, working inversely to the growing demand for construction steel.

IBISWorld put it succinctly: “Nickel prices, having reached unprecedented highs prior to the global financial crisis, plummeted as global economic growth slumped in subsequent years.”

And while the future is slated to be better, a swift and strong recovery is not forecast.

Earlier this year the metal reached a two year high in May, but since that time has reversed its gains, falling 27 per cent.

Much of this spike was based on Indonesia’s implementation of a ban on unrefined nickel being exported, with prices surging 56 per cent at the time, however the fall came quickly due to the likelihood of current global supply more than meeting the hole left by the Indonesian ban.

BHP’s attempts to sell off its Nickel West assets exemplified the confused nature of the sector.

While the miner saw the assets as valuable enough to retain during its greater demerger earlier this year, it did not see them as vital enough to keep within its mix.

Instead the miner attempted to sell off the various mines and smelter assets in Western Australia, and while there were plenty of alleged approaches for the suite from other majors such as Glencore and X2 Resources, BHP could not find a buyer and has now been left with the assets.

However the future is now looking more stable for nickel.

As opposed to the volatile movements seen earlier this century, there will finally be some stability ahead.

And much of this is due to the decline in the Australian dollar.

According to IBISWorld “trends in US dollar nickel prices, the value of the Australian dollar and in the volume of nickel production will continue to drive industry performance during the five years through 2018/19”.

Speaking to David McCombe, BNP Paribas managing director energy and natural resources investment banking Asia-Pacific, he told Australian Mining there is likely to be a net deficit in the metal moving out which will drive the price up.

“In 2015 we expect the price to sit around the mid US$18 000 mark, and then it will slowly move up to approximately US$19 000 by 2019,” he said.

Perth based Alto Capital ex-pects the price to hit approximately US$20 000 per tonne next year.

The price expectation is more than 11 per cent higher than the average US$18 000 evident in the sector so far in calendar 2014 – with Perth-based Alto Capital research analyst, Carey Smith, saying returns could go even higher due to pressure from the greenback.

“By next year, I expect that the Australian dollar will be trading around the range of 85-87c to the US dollar on average and that will be a bonus for Australian nickel producers,” Smith said.

“That exchange market environment can potentially add another 20 per cent in Aussie dollar terms to revenue for producers, so the outlook for nickel not only looks pretty rosy at the moment but continues to hold firm for the long-term,” he said.

There also positive trends predicted ahead, with IBISWorld stating “new firms are expected to enter the industry seeking new nickel resources”.

However “a dose of realism is also needed and while there is always pressure to unearth the next big discovery, our junior explorers have time on their side – particularly if they are venturing into Western Australia’s Fraser Range,” Smith said.

“While Sirius Resources ignited that region when it struck nickel sulphide mineralisation at Nova just over two years ago, Fraser Range is still a very fresh nickel province and we should not expect the Sirius success to be replicated in any sort of hurry.

“Two years in a whole new province isn’t a long time to get to understand its geology and my sense is that nickel explorers already in or planning to enter the province have a two-year window or so in order to make the level of discoveries that can keep market sentiment interested in both nickel, and the Fraser Range.”

Smith noted that some Aus-tralian explorers are seeking op­por­tunities away from Australia but nickel-minded players did not need to look much further than Western Australia.

Australian Nickel Conference Convenor, Bill Repard, said the nickel sector had been energised this year, partly by speculation about how rapidly China was depleting its 2013 ore stockpile of 25 million tonnes, and similar speculation on when and if the Philippines would follow Indonesia’s path and impose export bans on unprocessed nickel ore.

“Currently, there are no new large-scale nickel projects coming on stream and existing or mooted export bans will only add to the pace at which supply and demand pressures must invariably spike a price rise,” Repard said.

But a strong recovery is not on the cards.

“Nickel prices are forecast to bottom out in 2014/15 and remain low through 2018/19,” IBISWorld said.

Western Areas CFO Joe Belladonna pointed to next year as the pinch point for the metal, in particular quality nickel sulphides, which will force the industry to focus on new technological innovations if it is to remain viable.

In the previous 2013/14 period nickel revenues saw a decline of 6.9 per cent, which was an improvement on the previous period’s recorded 19.7 per cent decline.

The shrinking of the sector is predicted to slow again in the 2014/15 period to only 3.9 per cent before it records its first positive movement since 2010/11, registering a 2.1 per cent improvement in 2015/16.

This upwards trend will continue for the next few years, with a 3.3 per cent increase in 2016/17, a 4.7 per cent increase in 2017/18, and a larger 6.3 per cent increase in revenues in 2018/19.

The 2015 Metals outlook: What lies ahead

The mining industry has experienced a dire 12 months.

There have been mass layoffs, write downs, and projects being stalled or delayed, whilst exploration has basically come to a standstill.

From the Global Financial Crisis, which seemed to act as the ignition point for this apparently unstoppable boom, commodity prices continually tracked an upwards trajectory, and would do so for a number of years.

For all of the major metals, such as iron ore and gold, there have been huge falls recorded off the back of historically high prices.

Prior to 2014 new ceilings were broken in both these metals, which combined with a skyrocketing coal prices since 2008, essentially created the mining boom bubble, buoying up Australia’s economy as it rode on the back of unbridled growth in China.

These good times – commodity price-wise – occurred as the industry was in its massive development stage, moving their deposits from exploration projects and through feasibility into a construction stage which was an investment and new capital equipment heavy period.

It was a golden age for the industry: one that came to a screeching halt in 2012.

Prices fell, quickly and surely.

Whilst iron ore held out and rescinded slowly, gold tumbled from its high point of almost US$1800 per troy ounce to just short of US$1100 per oz.

Coal, on the other hand, fell off a financial cliff, as thermal coal began its spike in August 2010 from US$ 96.19 to US$ 141.94 in the space of six months after which it just began a constant downwards movement.

Coking coal has also suffered, with ANZ’s head of Australian economics – corporate and commercial, Justin Fabo, stating that the sector “looks oversold” with the market awash with oversupply pushing prices to multi-years lows.

In terms of all coal mining “major producers are showing no sign of supply discipline and demand growth is either waning of under pressure from alternative supply,” Fabo said.

This was echoed by the Bureau of Resources and Energy Economics, which said global commodity supply had grown significantly over recent years, placing pressure on prices in the medium term.

It said producers will need to continue to focus on managing costs and improving their competitiveness in order to survive downturn in price cycles.

“We believe the situation is unlikely to improve in the near to medium term,” Fabo added.

However despite it all there is still optimism for the next financial year.

According to IBISWorld, while the end of 2014 and the start of 2015 will see an overall decline of 1.1 per cent in Australian mining revenues to approximately $232 billion, the 2015/16 financial year is pegged to quickly ratchet up, growing 7.1 per cent, with expectations for this upwards trend to continue into the following financial year with 2016/17 predicted to record an 8.4 per cent increase in revenues as recovery continues.

Fabo added that commodity markets have already entered the second half of 2014 on a mildly positive note, “but it’s likely to be a far more gradual recovery than in the past as it will be tempered by lower liquidity and stronger US dollar as the US Federal Reserve edges closer to raising interest rates”.

“At the same time, the lack of sustainable uplift in commodity prices on the back of increasing geopolitical risks around the world suggest the market is dismissive of their impact on commodity markets.

“But this view looks a bit too complacent and overall we see the risks skewed modestly to the upside for commodity prices in general.”

IBISWorld’s reports into the next few years have outlined how “growing output is forecast to support division growth in the next five years, which is forecast at a compound annual rate of 4.2 per cent, to reach $285.4 billion in 2019/20”.

BREE expects Australian economic growth to moderate to 2.5 per cent in 2014/15, from 3.1 per cent last financial year.

It said mining was the key con-tributor to Australia’s economic growth in 2013-14.

“Capital expenditure, par­ticularly in resources and energy projects, has been a key contributor to Australia’s economic growth over the past several years. As these projects are completed and Australia transitions to a period of higher commodity production, exports of resources and energy commodities and sustained high levels of residential construction activity will be the key drivers of GDP growth over the medium term.”

Overall, there is a positive trend expected.

In the following pages we break down how the commodities have tracked, and how analysts are laying out their future movement, metal by metal.

Because as Grant Thornton stated in its recent JUMEX report “not all commodity markets are the same, despite the uncertain global backdrop”.

“So; while the overarching global factors are certainly very important for each commodity market, each market often has its own bespoke factors that can influence actual and expected prices.

“A key lesson from recent years, however, has been that some of these factors can be anticipated but some cannot: Factoring in the potential for unexpected development is vital,” Grant Thornton said.

Read on to find out what lies ahead for our metals market.

The Iron Ore Outlook

The Copper Outlook

The Gold Outlook

The Silver, Lead, Zinc Outlook

The Nickel Outlook

Sedgman win GEMCO processing contract

Sedgman has won the EPC contract for Groote Eylandt Mining’s (GEMCO) manganese mine expansion.

The $133 million contract will see Sedgman provide the design, supply, fabrication, construction, and commissioning of a sands benefication plant, port stockpile expansion, and associated infrastructure at the site.

The work will increase the facility’s capacity by 500 000 tonnes per annum by re-processing manganese ore stored in tailings stockpiles.

Sedgman CEO Peter Watson said the contract was directly negotiated with GEMCO after a period of close collaboration over the last two years.

“Our involvement in this project commenced at the early feasibility study stage and we are excited that we have been chose to delivery the project,” he said.

“This is another example of the strength of our ‘Create and Build’ model as we were able to develop a strong relationship with and demonstrate value to GEMCO from concept through to execution.

“The sands benefication plant utilises process technologies that we have proven in other commodities and we have been able to leverage this experience together we our track record of project delivery in remote locations.

“It also marks another important milestone in our diversification strategy, with over 50% of our current order book in commodities other than our traditional coal market.”

This latest win comes only two days Sedgman was awarded the $59.8 million EPC contract for Alcoa’s Kwinana filtration plant.

The GEMCO operation was previously part of BHP, but will be spun out into the as yet unnamed company, which will also contain BHP’s Illawarra Coal assets, TEMCO, the Cannington mine, and the alumina refinery at Worsely.

Copper falls to new low

Copper-falls-to-new-low-658092-l_300The copper price has fallen to a new four year low.

Last week the metal recorded a steady slump on the back of strikes and weak oil prices, according to Bloomberg.

It joined other metals in a slump downwards on Friday, with iron ore dropping below US$70 per tonne and new forecasts pinning a potential US$50 per tonne price low on the ferrous metal.

In New York on the Comex copper tumbled from the US$3 per pound mark it has sat around to US$2.85 per pound, the lowest point since mid-2010.

It fell six per cent in a single week, which is the largest decline since December 2011.

It is little surprise the metal is seeing poor performance, with investment in mining at 10 year lows and massive strikes at copper mines in Peru harming perception of the industry.

The forecast for the metal in the coming years is unlikely to be brighter.

According to IBISWorld re-search “industry revenue is forecast to grow at an annualised rate of 1.5 per cent over the next five years to US$7.1 billion in 2019/20”.

“This reflects the combination of higher output levels, a weaker Australian dollar and higher US dollar prices.

“If the Australian dollar de-preciates against the US dollar, export demand increases and contracts will earn domestic players more revenue.”

Speaking to BNP Paribas managing director energy and natural resources – investment banking Asia Pacific, David McCombe, he explained in the short term “copper will be coming off over 2015 through to 2017, but it will be moving up again to the back end of 2017.”

Much of this is due to the “current imbalance because of higher supply, as there is around 23 million tonnes of supply but only about 22 million tonnes of demand”.

“This will not be a massive move down, but this oversupply will hurt for some time.”

ANZ head of economics corporate and commercial, Justin Fabo, added that “copper looks vulnerable enough to slip back through the US$7000 per tonne mark as we approach the normally quiet northern hemisphere summer”.

“Operating rates at copper tube and pipe fabricators fell below 80 per cent mid-year, an indication that end-user demand is weak; we would be positioned for some further downside in the short-term.”

Nickel and lead also saw a slump.

Iron ore could be in trouble for over ten years

An analyst out of China has warned the price of iron ore could fall to lows of $US50 a tonne.

Shanghai Jianfeng vice-president Liang Ruian said oversupply coupled with a slowing property market in China could mean the price rout lasts for 10 years.

Speaking to The Australian Liang said the stagnate state of the Chinese real estate market would have a devastating effect on the steel industry.

“The inventory of housing is up to a couple of years, while in China the rapid development of the e-commerce market is having a big impact on the sales and rents for the commercial real estate market. I think the golden ten years that we have had in the real estate market in China is over,” Liang said.

“The crash of the real estate market means the crash of the steel market.”

The comments come as new figures reveal steel consumption in China has fallen by 0.3 per cent, the first decline in 14 years.

It was also revealed that there is 108.4 million tonnes of iron ore stockpiled at Chinese ports.

Last week, Li Xingchuang, president of theChina Metallurgical Industry Planning Association, said steel production would peak at 740 million tonnes in 2017.

The world’s biggest miners, BHP Billiton and Rio Tinto have said Chinese steel production will peak at 1 billion tonnes by 2030.

“I really don’t understand how the big mining companies made that forecast,” said Xingchuang at a steel conference in Shanghai.

As major miners including Rio, BHP and Vale continue with expansion plans that will introduce even more supply into the iron ore market, analysts say a further crash in prices in inevitable.

Expansions will add around 94 million tonnes of new supply from 2015, 75 million tonnes in 2016, and 81 million tonnes in 2017.

GR Engineering win mineral sands contract

GR Engineering has won MZI Resources Keysbrook Mineral Sands mine upgrade and processing contract.
The contract, valued at approximately $54.6 million, will see GR provide engineering, procurement, and construction services for the Keysbrook mine, and upgrade works to the existing mineral sands separation plant owned by Doray Mineral Sands.
GR was first awarded preferred contractor status last year, and since that time have carried out early engineering activities on site.
Speaking on the contract, MZI Resources CEO Trevor Matthews said: “We have a good relationship with GR Engineering and their appointment reflects the confidence we have in their ability to construct the project.”
“Signing the construction contract is one of the final activities prior to start project development and we look forward to commencing soon,” he added.



中国国家主席习近平与澳大利亚总理阿博特(Tony Abbott)11月17日在堪培拉举行会谈,双方共同宣布实质性结束中澳自由贸易协定谈判。这意味着历经近10年努力,中澳自贸谈判终成正果。





比如,澳大利亚乳制品在4-11年内出口中国的关税将降为零。据澳大利亚驻华大使馆商务参赞、澳贸委商务专员杜大维(David Dukes)对《中国经贸聚焦》记者介绍,2008-2013年澳洲对中国乳制品出口已经翻了一番,去年出口额达3.51亿澳元,而中国目前对澳乳制品实施约10%-15%的关税。“自贸协定势必将增加澳大利亚乳制品的竞争优势,缩小同已与中国签署自贸协定的新西兰的差距。婴幼儿配方奶粉等主要出口乳制品的份额将有望加大。”



















The 2015 Metals Outlook Series: Iron Ore

While the mining boom was tied to the skyrocketing gold price and the massive demand in coal, what really created it was iron ore: the explosion in the metal’s price is what really drove the mining boom to its spectacular highs, lifting Australia out of the Global Financial Crisis that hit much of the rest of the world.

By 2011 the Australian market was capitalising on prices of US$187 per tonne, a rate that was 13 times higher than the price then the price only eight years beforehand, in 2003.

Prior to the start of the mining boom this metal was unloved, albeit stable, price-wise.

However in 2004 the metal started an upward trend that continued slowly until 2008, just before the GFC hit, appearing to flatline at US$60 per tonne for the better part of a year. Then the financial turmoil hit and the price begin to spike rapidly, moving upwards unabated until it peaked at close to US$200 per tonne.

In the wake of this commodity rush it dragged the major miners Rio Tinto and BHP upwards, and in turn created a more suit-able market for players such as Fortescue Metals to peg high debt against high returns and make their relatively new company viable.

It also created market conditions for the rise of billionaires such as Gina Rinehart with her Roy Hill project and Clive Palmer with his continually embattled Sino Iron project.

The good times were expected to last forever; at least that is what the Australian Government thought in its attempt to impose both the Resources Super Profits Tax and its successor the Mineral Resources Rent Tax solely on iron ore and coal.

But as 2011 came to an end iron ore began its fall, one that is continuing and seeing the metal plumb the depths of the market.

In the space of only two months it dropped from more than US$177 per tonne down to US$135 per tonne, recovered, and then began to fall once more.

It managed to stay above the US$100 per tonne mark for most of this decline, apart from a very brief dip below this level in September 2012.

Although this decline appears to be unstoppable, the fall must eventually come to a basement: but when?

According to the market, it won’t in 2015.

Last month the price of iron ore fell to approximately US$70 per tonne.

The commodity has been on a consistent downward trend this year, after it plummeted to double digit territory in May from its historic triple digit highs, the first time it has fallen that low in two years.

According to ANZ’s head of Australian economics – corporate and commercial, Justin Fabo, iron ore has been one of the weakest commodities this year, and likely to continue in this vein.

“Key consumers – Chinese steel mills – still don’t seem convinced higher prices are warranted, while high iron ore port stocks and rising seaborne supply remains on offer.

It reached a new nadir last month after trading at just US$75 per tonne, marking a 42 per cent loss since the start of the year, although it quickly recovered.

However this new low is not expected to be the bottom of the trough with data from Morningstar predicting an eventual slide below US$70 per tonne.

New research from the analyst firm has forecast the metal to reach its lowest point in 2017, falling to US$70 per tonne before recovering to a more stable US$75 per tonne by 2020, due to Chinese iron ore miners slowing output and the righting of prices as more stock floods the market.

This has been echoed in recent IBISWorld research, which states: “The industry is expected to grow at a slower rate over the next five years through to 2019-20”, adding that “iron ore prices (in US dollars) are expected to decline slightly over the five years through 2019-20 [with] this decline expected to stem partly from higher production and output from Australian mines over the next five years.”

The paper also pointed to an increase in output from Brazil and West Africa flooding the market as contributors to the price slump.The-2015-Metals-Outlook-Series-Iron-Ore-657949-xl_1

Speaking to Grant Thornton partner – audit & assurance, Brock Mackenzie, he told Australian Mining that current conditions had created a perfect storm for the metal early next year, as there are high levels of supply expected to come online from larger producers combined with a slowing growth in China.

This slide for the iron ore sector has not been a surprise for the industry or the market, with the Bureau of Resources and Energy Economics stating in its September report that prices will continue to be strained.

“A rapid increase in iron ore supply combined with moderating growth in China’s steel production have pushed iron ore prices lower in 2014. Prices have fallen nearly 40 per cent down from around US$130 a tonne (CFR China) in January to US$82 a tonne in September,” BREE said.

This later fell to below US$70 per tonne in November.

While the group said iron ore price volatility is not uncommon, the difference this time is the oversupply flooding the market.

This is likely to be worsened due to the fact China has now opened its ports to Valemax size carriers, built by Brazilian iron ore giant Vale.

Valemax are Very Large Ore Carriers (VLOC) owned by Brazilian mining giant Vale, and are designed to carry iron ore from Brazil to around the world.

They have capacities ranging from 380 000 to 400 000 short tons deadweight, and are the largest bulk carriers ever built, with draughts of between 22 and 32 metres, and are designed to meet Brazil’s need to freight more in a single journey due to its distance from many of the main iron ore customers.The-2015-Metals-Outlook-Series-Iron-Ore-657950-xl_1

China initially banned the carriers over concerns regarding the potential impact on supply and prices the large cargoes could have, using the ships own deep draught and size as impetus to revoke vessels of this size from docking at mainland Chinese ports in 2012.

Ship owners previously lobbied against Vale’s super vessels, fearing they would give the company a monopoly over the iron ore and shipping industries.

China Cosco has signed a 25 year deal with Vale that involves 14 of the massive Valemax ships.

“The current regulation actually already legitimises these vessels to berth at Chinese ports. If you look at how the ban was initiated in the first place, it will be unlikely for the government to make an official announcement with much fanfare that says the ban is loosened,” an unnamed executive from state-owned port company explained.

“Eventually, the ban will be lifted in a quiet manner. You may see a Valemax ship granted approval by a local maritime authority to dock, and that will be it. Officials realised the ban has hurt China’s economic interests, pushing up the costs for iron ore imports,” the executive said.

According to Anglo American, this global glut of iron ore, will keep prices at these five year lows for a minimum 12 months.

However Australian iron ore, due to its high quality, will likely still be in demand.

In Australia alone over 200 million tonnes of new ore has begun export at the same time as China stopped stocking up on the commodity.The-2015-Metals-Outlook-Series-Iron-Ore-657948-xl_1

Unfortunately for Australian suppliers this is set to increase as BHP and Rio Tinto expand their West Australian iron ore operations, Fortescue cranks up the production rate from its newly opened Solomon Hub, and Roy Hill begins full production.

Mackenzie explained there are “a lot of issues likely to be ahead on the supply side, with it more than likely that larger producers will also use the situation to gain more market share and edge out the smaller producers, so we are likely to see these larger producers use this aggressive pricing environment as an opportunity to push more marginal operations out, so that smaller producers fall by the wayside”.

ANZ’s Fabo clarified the forecast, saying “swelling Australian iron ore exports have weighed on prices but the increase in supply will be slower in the second half”.

Vale expanded on these statements, with the miner’s global director of ferrous marketing and sales, Claudio Alves, telling Bloomberg “I don’t think the market will be oversupplied forever”.

However he went on to echo Mackenzie’s statements on which miners will come through this current trough, stating: “Only the big suppliers with world-class assets, scale of production, efficiency, and good costs will be able to survive.”

BNP Paribas’ managing director energy and natural resources investment banking Asia-Pacific, David McCombe explained that this will soon reach a tipping point depending on when the Chinese Government chooses to stop subsiding its iron ore industry.

“There will be fewer players in the market and more opportunities to export to China when the government makes a decision regarding its ongoing support for its own iron ore industry.

“It is supporting it in the same way that it is propping up its own coal industry, and right now many of their mines’ costs are around US$120 per tonne, so they are very marginal at the best of times, so the price will return slightly when these smaller players drop out.”The-2015-Metals-Outlook-Series-Iron-Ore-657951-xl_1

Credit market conditions in China also affected end-user demand for steel, BREE stated, causing a sluggish growth rate.

Fabo added “the negative market reaction has been over­done, and we think prices are now vulnerable to relief rally if Chinese news starts to improve”.

According to IBISWorld there are expectations of improvement, with “further growth forecast over the next five years”.

However Citigroup painted a much darker picture of the 2015 iron ores market.

According to Citigroup analyst reports, the material is likely to average around US$72 per tonne in the first three months of next year.

It went on to paint a darker picture for iron ore, slashing the second quarter forecast from US$80 down to US$65 per tonne; it also downgraded the third quarter from US$78 to US$60.

However it did see a small uplift in the last quarter of 2015, only downgrading the forecast from US$78 to US$62.

Goldman Sachs was slightly more optimistic, holding the view that it will hover around an average price of US$80 per tonne.

BNP Paribas’ managing director energy and natural resources investment banking Asia-Pacific, David McCombe, told Australian Mining the group expects the iron ore price to rebound in 2015, with similar expectations to Goldman Sachs.

“We expect it to rebound to around the low US$80 per tonne mark,” he said.

“It is really all about the performance of the steel sector, which we believe will pick up in the last quarter of 2015.

“While it won’t be a significant rise, longer term we will see the steel sector pick up about two per cent, and increase around two to three per cent the year after that,” McCombe said.

“It will most likely end up sitting, at the end of the year, at between US$85 and US$87 per tonne.

“So we do expect it pick up slightly over the year, but really it will be more about the ability of these iron ore producers to absorb the current losses, and about these miners having positive cash flows moving ahead.”

While BREE also expects iron ore prices to rebound from current lows, it said highs of $US 130 are unlikely to be repeated any time soon.

In regards to investors in the market, Mackenzie said the approach will be similar to that of gold, urging investors to form a view as to the company’s cost of production as a benchmark for whether it will be able to survive further prices.

“The focus for investors should be to familiarise themselves with the production cycle as well,” he added.

This cycle will be demonstrably slower, with less change, in the coming years.

Whilst revenues grew at a rate of 25.2 per cent for the 2013/14 period, it basically came to a standstill this year, with a growth rate of only 1.9 per cent, slowing again next year to 0.7 per cent.

However revenues are predicted to pick up to a more respectable growth rate of 2.1 per cent in 2016/17, moving upwards at a similar rate of 2.9 per cent the following 2017/18 financial year.

– Writen by Cole Latimer

Glencore and Peabody to merge Hunter Valley coal mines

wambo_300Glencore and Peabody Energy have agreed to jointly manage the nearby Wambo and United coal mines in the Hunter Valley, the first joint venture of its kind in the region.

The 50-50 joint venture will combine Wambo’s open cut mining operations with United’s adjacent reserves and is expected to kick off in 2017.

Glencore will manage the combined mining operations and Peabody will continue to operate coal washing and loading facilities.

In a statement released today, Peabody said the JV will deliver significant synergies by improving productivity, cutting costs and extending the life of both mines.

“Peabody continues to take positive steps to further reduce costs, improve our competitive position and create value,” said Peabody Energy president and chief operating officer Glenn Kellow.

Kellow said the combined operation will provide ongoing local employment opportunities and economic contribution.

With coal prices expected to remain lacklustre moving into 2015, some industry analyst predict it will become more common for miners to pool their resources in this way.

In Queensland, Peabody’s Millenium mine entered into an agreement to share infrastructure with to BHP Mitsui Coal’s Poitrel project through the Red Mountain joint venture.