Lincom appointed as MDS distributor


The Lincom Group has appointed as the exclusive distributor for MDS, a Terex brand, in WA, NT, SA, Papua New Guinea, and New Caledonia.

The Lincom Group has appointed as the exclusive distributor for MDS, a Terex brand, in WA, NT, SA, Papua New Guinea, and New Caledonia.

MDS is headquartered in Ireland where it designs and manufactures heavy duty rock trommels. Its equipment is designed to deliver maximum efficiency, reliability, and versatility.

The MDS heavy-duty rock trommels can screen rocks as large as 800mm and include features such as hydraulic jacking legs, remote control, modular drums, drum cleaners and electronic systems to monitor and control aspects of the trommel.

The range includes mobile, semi-mobile or static, and the MDS trommels are built to last in harsh conditions.

The Lincom Group has supplied equipment and services to the mining, quarrying, recycling and waste industries for more than 27 years. Its portfolio includes mobile crushers, screeners, conveyors, and other specialised equipment.

The partnership between the two companies marks a significant milestone for both businesses and is set to bring new opportunities to the local market.

Lincom Group CEO Stephen Watterson said the partnership with MDS is a testament to company’s core value of supplying only the best-in- class equipment.

“We are thrilled to be the exclusive distributors of MDS heavy-duty rock trommels in key regions. We are excited to be working with such an innovative manufacturer and look forward to bringing their industry-leading equipment to our customers,” he said.

Lincom Group has an established network of sales and service centres to provide its customers with fast and effective support across the equipment lifecycle.

The first MDS M515 track trommel will arrive later this year. This model will come complete with fold- out stockpiling conveyors and is ideal for creating RipRap and recovering rocks that are mixed with clay and other sticky materials.

A farewell to OZ – BHP completes takeover


bhp, oz minerals

BHP is now officially the parent company of OZ Minerals, with OZ set to be removed from the ASX today.

“This acquisition strengthens BHP’s portfolio in copper and nickel and is in line with our strategy to meet increasing demand for the critical minerals needed for electric vehicles, wind turbines and solar panels to support the energy transition,” BHP chief executive officer Mike Henry said.

“Combining our two organisations will provide options for growth, bring new talent and innovation to unlock these resources in a sustainable way, and deliver value to shareholders and communities.”

The takeover will allow BHP to focus on safe and reliable operation of the Olympic Dam, Prominent Hill and Carrapateena assets.

This week OZ shareholders received $28.25 per OZ share, marking the implementation of the scheme of arrangement. This follows approval of the $9.63 billion deal by the Federal Court earlier this month.

The revised offer was an increase on the original $8.4 billion offer made in August 2022.

OZ Minerals has a number of operations in Brazil, including the Santa Lúcia iron oxide copper-gold mineral deposit, the Antas copper-gold mine, and CentroGold, one of the largest undeveloped gold projects in Brazil.

The acquisition gives BHP access to the company’s significant portfolio of future-facing minerals – namely copper and nickel – that are vital to the world’s push for clean energy.

In its final ever quarterly report, OZ Minerals produced 31,362 tonnes of copper and 46,722 ounces of gold.

“As this is the final production report from OZ Minerals, the board and management would like to thank all our stakeholders for their contribution to the company’s success,” OZ Minerals chief executive officer Andrew Cole said.

BHP has indicated that it intends to retain the majority of OZ Minerals’ workforce, particularly at Prominent Hill and Carrapateena.

First magnetite production at Iron Bridge a “game changer”

Fortescue's Iron Bridge magnetite project.

After 20 years and 20 million work hours, Fortescue Metals reports its first magnetite production at its Iron Bridge mine in WA, which measured an impressive grade of over 68 per cent iron.

Magnetite projects are typically lengthy and complicated – sometimes failing to meet a certain grade – the Australian Financial Review (AFR) reports.

But after project delays and cost blowouts, Iron Bridge delivered, yielding a 68 per cent iron grade over a target of 67 per cent.

“Within a week of starting operation, Iron Bridge hit grade and that was the biggest relief of my career,” Fortescue executive chairman, Dr Andrew Forrest, told AFR.

The wet concentrate has been transported from the mine through 135km slurry pipeline to Port Hedland. There it will be dewatered, transforming it into a high-grade magnetite product ready for shipping.

The mine will produce 22 million tonnes per annum of high-grade magnetite concentrate, suitable for steel making.

Using magnetite in steel making has a lower overall carbon emissions than alternatives.

“Iron Bridge will lead the way for a successful magnetite industry in Western Australia and is a game changer for not only Fortescue, but the wider iron ore industry,” Forrest said.

The Iron Bridge project created over 20,000 jobs during construction, a workforce figure which peaked at 4,000. Another 900 full time jobs will be created when the project begins operations.

“I would like to congratulate every one of the 20,000 people who worked on achieving the most remarkable safety record during the construction of this incredibly complex project,” Forrest said.

Fortescue chief executive officer Fiona Hick said she was proud that the team was able to deliver the project while maintaining strong safety performance.

“The construction of Iron Bridge, Fortescue’s first magnetite operation, was complex particularly while managing the added challenges resulting from COVID-19 and border closures,” she said.

“Our focus is now on achieving safe and efficient ramp up.

BHP finally lands OZ Minerals

必和必拓上调对OZ Minerals收购报价

2022-11-18 10:26:55 (AET) by Edward Zhang   660

必和必拓(ASX:BHP)将其对矿业公司 OZ Minerals(ASX:OZL)的收购报价提升至28.25澳元每股。这一报价较OZ Minerals前一交易日收盘价溢价7.4%,但较8月份最初收购要约之前的股价溢价49.3%。

澳股资讯平台 – 61 Financial 11月18日讯矿业公司 OZ Minerals(ASX:OZL) 周五发布公告称,必和必拓(ASX:BHP)已上调对该公司的收购对价。(

必和必拓的收购要约始于8月初,当时其对OZ Minerals收购对价为每股25澳元(前一交易日收盘价为18.92澳元),后者以估值不符为由拒绝了必和必拓的收购。


根据本周五的最新公告,必和必拓已经提交了一份修订后的非约束性、指示性收购要约,拟以每股28.25澳元的现金价格,以协议安排的方式收购OZ Minerals全部股权。

这一报价较OZ Minerals前一交易日收盘价溢价7.4%,但较8月份最初收购要约之前的股价溢价49.3%。


对此,OZ Minerals董事会表示将支持这一报价,并计划推荐股东也投票支持这一提案。

OZ Minerals表示,这一结果将取决于没有更好的方案的情况下,并取决于双方在必和必拓完成确认性尽职调查后签订一份具有约束力的计划实施契约。此外,还需要由一名独立专家得出结论,认为该提议符合股东的最佳利益。

此外,OZ Minerals将有权考虑在交易实施前向股东支付加票股息,但这将在最终收购对价中减去相应部分。

OZ Minerals董事长Rebecca McGrath表示:“在董事会交谈了一段时间后,必和必拓提出了修订后的提案,确保了在初始提案基础上增加约11亿澳元。必和必拓的修订提案清楚地反映了OZ Minerals在优质司法管辖区拥有的独特的、具有高度战略意义的优质资产。”

“同时,这份提案也反映了我们由于全球电气化的强劲需求而令人羡慕的铜和镍资产的多代增长管道。我们期待着与必和必拓合作,以最符合OZ Minerals及其利益相关者利益的方式推进修订后的提案。”


text【更多OZL公告和股价走势请点击OZL个股页面 】


公司公告Revised Proposal from BHP

Vanadium processing plant on the cards for Queensland

The site of the Saint Elmo vanadium mine in Central Queensland. Image: Multicom Resources

The Queensland Government has recognised the importance of vanadium as a new economy mineral with plans for a processing plant in Townsville.

The mineral is used in large-scale grid batteries called redox flow batteries. These batteries store the charge in liquid form, enabling larger capacities.

Queensland Treasurer and Minister for Trade and Investment Cameron Dick said vanadium would play a significant part in the state’s transition to clean energy.

“We want regional Queensland to be a global leader when it comes to everything that’s part of the renewable energy revolution,” he said.

Australia has the world’s third largest deposits of vanadium resources, but right now we don’t produce a single kilogram of processed vanadium.

“The mining companies looking to process vanadium at an industrial scale don’t have the capital necessary to make that jump. That’s where our government can step in.”

The government will put at least $10 million towards the common-user facility, sourced from the $520 million Invested in Queensland program.

The Treasurer said it was still in the process of tendering for construction contracts and selecting the location.

“Once producers can see for themselves how processing occurs, they will have the confidence to invest in more manufacturing infrastructure and more jobs,” he said.

“Mining companies will be able to transport ore from their mine site to Townsville, enabling them to begin producing mineral samples at scale.”

Earlier in 2021, the mineral made headlines for Queensland’s mining industry when Multicom Resources announced the go-ahead for the $250 million Saint Elmo vanadium mine, 250 kilometres east of Mount Isa.

This mine and the new Townsville processing facility will ramp up concurrently, as both begin construction in 2022 with first production expected in 2023.

Queensland Minister for Resources Scott Stewart said these developments were only the start of Queensland’s vanadium industry.

“Saint Elmo is just the beginning, with other companies progressing other potential vanadium mines in what could become a world-class vanadium hub in the northwest, so having this processing facility in Townsville will ensure locals reap the benefits,” Stewart said.

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金属矿商South32以15.5亿美元收购Sierra Gorda铜矿45%股权,早盘冲高11%

2021-10-14 13:45:54 (AET) by Edward Zhang   4345

金属矿商 South32(ASX:S32)以15.5亿美元从Sumitomo手中收购智利Sierra Gorda铜矿45%的股权。Sierra Gorda是位于智利矿产丰富的Antofagasta铜矿区的一家正在运营的铜矿。预计2021年将生产18万吨铜、5千吨钼、5.4万盎司金和160万盎司银。

【澳股资讯平台 – 61 Financial 10月14日讯】金属矿商 South32(ASX:S32)发布公告称,该公司与在东京证券交易所上市的Sumitomo Metal Mining(TYO: 5713)和Sumitomo Corporation(TYO: 8053)签订了两项具有约束力的有条件协议,收购智利Sierra Gorda铜矿45%的股权。


关于Sierra Gorda
Sierra Gorda是位于智利矿产丰富的Antofagasta铜矿区的一家正在运营的铜矿。预计2021年将生产18万吨铜、5千吨钼、5.4万盎司金和160万盎司银。

公司指出,此次收购使South32与在波兰上市的全球矿商KGHM Polska Miedz共同拥有控股权。



South32首席执行官Graham Kerr表示:“公司正在积极地重塑我们的投资组合,以实现低碳世界的目标。收购Sierra Gorda的权益将增加公司对大宗商品的敞口,这对这一转型至关重要。”

“在全球能源网络的脱碳过程中,铜是一种关键金属,具有强劲的长期市场基本面。加入Sierra Gorda进一步改善了我们的投资组合,预计将立即提高公司的利润率和盈利水平,在保持我们资产负债表实力和灵活性的同时,支持未来向股东回报。”



【更多S32公告和股价走势请点击S32个股页面 】



Agreement to divest Mt Carlton gold mine for up to A$90M

金矿公司Evolution Mining以9000万出售Mt Carlton项目,股价走强

2021-10-05 13:44:38 (AET) by Edward Zhang   3367

金矿公司 Evolution Mining(ASX:EVN)已经与Navarre Minerals Limited(ASX: NML)达成具有约束力的协议,以高达9000万澳元的总价出售昆士兰州的Mt Carlton金矿。此外,Evolution还更新了指导方针,其22财年的产量将略微减少到67万至72.5万盎司的区间,以反映本次出售。

澳股资讯平台 – 61 Financial 10月5日讯,金矿公司 Evolution Mining(ASX:EVN)发布公告称,公司已经与Navarre Minerals Limited(ASX: NML)达成具有约束力的协议,以高达9000万澳元的总价出售昆士兰州的Mt Carlton金矿(包括Crush Creek项目)。





公司执行董事长Jake Klein表示:“Mt Carlton是Evolution的第一个开发项目,自2013年投产以来为股东带来了出色的回报。鉴于公司专注于投资组合中增长型项目的主要资产,我们认为现在是将Mt Carlton交给一家新兴黄金生产商的时候。”



text【更多EVN公告和股价走势请点击EVN个股页面 】

Debt Ceiling


2021-10-01 15:24:23 (AET) by AETOS   218




text美国财政部长珍妮特·耶伦(Janet Yellen)曾任美联储主席

这场从8月就开始酝酿的危机终于在9月下旬进入了公众和金融市场的视线——美国政府将面临再次停摆(Government Shutdown)。

经济学家出身的耶伦于华盛顿时间9月28日致信以强悍著称的佩罗西,并在信中公开表示:“在我9月8日写给您的信里已经阐明,财政部的现金和特殊周转方式(extraordinary measures)大约将在10月耗尽……基于目前最新信息,我可以更加确认,10月份(耗尽)的预测是准确的。”

text财长耶伦(Janet Yellen)致佩罗西(Nancy Pelosi)的信件内容,信息来源:美国国会


除此之外,一向严谨的耶伦还明确表示,美国联邦政府在过去一年里,每日所需平均现金流大约为500亿美元,最高时也达到过3,000亿美元,如果国会无法就提高(或废除)债务上限(Debt Ceiling)达成共识,那么资源耗尽之时,也就是美国政府违约之时。







对此,国际三大分析机构之一的穆迪(Moody’s Analytics)首席分析师表示,如果债务危机被触发,那么美国经济将面临巨大的创伤——高达600万个工作岗位流失、15万亿美元的家庭财富蒸发、失业率再次蹿回9%(目前为5%)。












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风险声明:所有信息仅为一般属性。AETOS艾拓思资本集团(AFSL: 313016, ACN: 125 113 117)是所有金融产品的发行商。交易外汇保证金和差价合约产品涉及高风险,损失可能超过本金。本公司强烈建议阁下在做出投资决定前寻求独立财务顾问建议。更多请参阅本公司《产品披露声明》。

WA Govt outlines resources priorities with strategic report


The Western Australian Government has released its mineral and petroleum resources development strategy, prioritising six points including regional areas, exploration and streamlined approvals.

The first strategic priority is to cement the state as a leading global destination for exploration investment.

The report stated this will be achieved through the Government’s Exploration Incentive Scheme (EIS) which has generated $31 million in benefits to the State for every $1 million invested in the scheme.

Minister for Mines and Petroleum Bill Johnston said the Government must tend to several issues to encourage further investment.

“Central to this strategy is promoting our comparative advantages and investment opportunities, catering for current and future skills gaps, facilitating access to infrastructure, and investing in research and development,” Johnston said.

Research and development are discussed in the report’s fourth strategic priority: an evolving industry.

The report acknowledges the industry’s shift towards different commodities and parts of the supply chain, such as precious metals refinery.

The report uses Alcoa and South32’s alumina operations, IGO/Tianqi Lithium’s Kwinana facility, and BHP’s Nickel West battery metal supply as examples of the state’s ability to facilitate future-focussed mining and minerals operations.

“We expect demand for WA’s minerals to continue to grow, driven by the global transition to a low-carbon future and an increasing demand for electric vehicles,” Johnston said.

A major push to effectively regulate the industry was also a feature of the report, with multiple strategic priorities relying on the state doing so.

“The State Government recognises that an efficient and effective regulatory framework is essential for providing industry with the certainty required to make investment decisions, and is committed to support measures to streamline regulation while not compromising on environmental and social standards,” the report stated.

The most recent of the Government’s efforts in this area came in the form of Streamline WA which was launched in 2018 to enable easier business across the state.

The report also gave examples of major operations given the go-ahead in recent years.

“The ability of Western Australia’s regulatory system to allow for the expeditious approval of new mining operations has been demonstrated in recent years through the development of mines including IGO Limited’s Nova nickel-copper-cobalt project and Beacon Minerals Limited’s Jaurdi gold project,” the report stated.

Western Australian Premier Mark McGowan said the opportunities were significant for the State’s resources sector and wider economy.

“The opportunity to continue to grow and diversify our resources sector as a significant contributor to global advancements in the digital age, and the shift to reducing greenhouse gas emissions, are immense, and are expected to continue to provide outstanding economic and social benefits to the community well into the future,” McGowan said.

To read the report and learn more about WA’s resources strategy, click here.

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Mineral Resources offloads $328 million Pilbara Minerals interest


Mineral Resources has sold its 5.4 per cent stake of Pilbara Minerals in an effort to focus on its hard-rock lithium and iron ore assets.

Mineral Resources has been a shareholder in Pilbara Minerals since October 2016 as part of its offtake rights and a royalty held of the Pilgangoora lithium-tantalum project in Western Australia.

Its 8 per cent stake in Pilbara Minerals at the time was valued at $50 million, with the $328 million divestment representing strong value.

(“Mineral Resources) is delighted with the share price value delivered by Pilbara Minerals’ development of Pilgangoora but believes it is time to redirect this investment into the company’s own growth projects, including in the hard-rock lithium and iron ore sectors,” Mineral Resources stated.

The $328 million divestment was completed through an underwritten accelerated block trade to institutional investors.

Pilbara Minerals share price on the ASX is $2.26 at the time of writing.

The transaction will support Mineral Resources’ $650 million capital expenditure program for the 2021-22 financial year.

Mineral Resources expects costs to increase by 5 to 10 per cent at its Yilgarn Hub in Western Australia, with exports of 10.5 million to 11 million tonnes of iron ore.

This includes the Koolyanobbing iron ore mine and Carina mine, which is currently under care and maintenance.

The company also operates the Utah Point hub, which is expected to ship 10.5 million to 11 million tonnes of iron ore.

Mineral Resources hard-rock lithium projects include the Mt Marion and Wodgina spodumene projects, owning 50 per cent and 40 per cent, respectively.

The company is expecting to ship 450,000 to 475,000 tonnes of spodumene from Mt Marion in the 2022-23 financial year, while Wodgina remains on care and maintenance.

Wodgina is one of the largest hard rock lithium deposits globally, and is operated under a joint venture with Albemarle who owns the remaining 60 per cent interest.

Mineral Resources is also constructing the Kemerton lithium hydrogxide project in Western Australia with Albermarle, owning a 40 per cent interest.