Strandline’s project portfolio contains high quality assets which offer a range of development options and timelines, geographic diversity, and scalability. They include the world-scale Coburn mineral sands project in Western Australia, currently ramping up into production, and the emerging Tanzanian mineral sands growth projects Fungoni, Tajiri, and Bagamoyo.
Strandline’s exploration and development focuses primarily on discovering and evaluating mineral sands ore bodies that show an abundance of higher value minerals, nominally zircon, rutile and monazite, with the lesser value minerals of ilmenite and garnet as a co-product to the product suite.
Mineral sands are heavy minerals found in sediments on, or near to, the surface of ancient beach, river or dunal system. Strandline’s proposed mineral sands mining method involves both dry mining (Coburn and Fungoni projects) and wet hydraulic mining (Tajiri project). Mining units and wet concentration plant (WCP) separate the heavy valuable minerals (zircon, monazite, rutile, leucoxene, ilmenite) from the waste material. The WCP design utilises multiple stages of high-capacity gravity separation and classification to produce a high grade +90% heavy mineral concentrate (HMC).