
Rope businesses merge to form Bridon-Bekaert Ropes Group


The Bridon-Bekaert Ropes Group began operating yesterday, following the successful merger of Bridon with Bekaert’s rope business. Thenew business employs some 2,500 people in 17 countries combining unrivalled industry expertise, portfolio, scale and global reach.

The new Bridon-Bekaert CEO Bruno Humblet, said: “We are delighted that the merger is now complete. The new group combines Bekaert’s existing strength in the regions of Americas and Australia and Bridon’s strong market position in Europe and the USA.

“Bridon-Bekaert Ropes Group (BBRG) will offer a broad range of additional services, as well as strengthened expertise to customers, buildingon the proud history of both businesses in providing quality products and services.

“This combination will leverage the scale and complementary strengths of Bekaert and Bridon and will pursue value creation for our customers.”

With worldwide manufacturing operations, sales and distribution centres, BBRG will ensure accessibility and services within close reach, customized to specific local demands and challenges. It is a “global technology leader in the manufacture of wire and fibre rope solutions for the world’s most demanding applications.”

“We are looking forward to building the group. Our primary focus will be to deliver the very best performing products, accelerated innovation programs and unrivalled services,” added Humblet.

Newmont divests $1.3bn Indonesian mine


Newmont Mining has entered an agreement with PT Amman Mineral Internasional (PT AMI) to sell its interests in PT Newmont Nusa Tenggara (PTNNT), which operates Indonesia’s Batu Hijau copper and gold mine.

Newmont’s 48.5 per cent interest in PTNNT is valued at $1.3 billion; with the deal seeing $920 million paid at closing and $403 million in contingent payments.

Nusa Tenggara Mining Corporation is also selling their ownership stake to PT AMI.

The company’s president and CEO Gary Goldberg said, “Selling our stake in PTNNT for fair value is aligned with our strategic priorities to lower debt, fund our highest margin projects and create value for shareholders.”

The move is set to close following regulatory approvals in the third quarter. It is also subject to other conditions including government approval of the transfer and resolving all tax matters.

Newmont has generated $1.9 billion from the sale of non-core assets and since 2013 has decreased their debt by 37 per cent. In 2015, they acquired the Cripple Creek & Victor gold mine in the US, and added five million ounces of gold reserves.

Its projects in Australia, USA, and Suriname are set to add nearly one million ounces of profitable production over the next two years.

The sale follows BHP divesting its 75 per cent stake in Indonesia’s IndoMet Coal, exiting the country completely.


Tracking the 2016 Trends – Part 3


The third of a ten part series examining the trends that will drive the mining industry in 2016.

3.     China’s economic transition

“If you believe that China is one of the most significant factors in the global mining market – whether it be capital, consumption, stockpiling, project construction or its announced infrastructure initiatives – then it’s imperative to pay attention to the economic and political issues shaping the country’s future,” Deloitte Canada’s global leader for mining M&A advisory, Jeremy South, stated.

Because of this China and its demand still remains at the heart of the global resources industry.

China once consumed 60 per cent of all seaborne iron ore, and despite its waning appetite it still has the largest influence on many metals due to its overwhelming demand for raw materials – relative to other nations.

However, unlike many other nations China has a highly interventionist government, which dictates market controls.

“Beyond interfering with the free movement of markets, the government’s fiscal intervention may threaten its ability to fund new programs designed to spur future growth,” Deloitte reports.

In particular, the mining industry has been keeping a close on three primary initiatives: the Asia Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB), created to fund a range of commodity intensive energy, transport and infrastructure projects across Asia with a capital pool starting at what the Financial Times believes is US$100 billion; the One Belt, One Road program designed to spur trade between China and its neighbouring countries along the Silk Road; and the megacity project, which aims to link Beijing, Tianjin, and Hebei into a single city of 130 million people.

Despite these transparent plans, China’s trade regime remains opaque, with Deloitte stating that “without access to transparent official data, miners remain in the unfortunate position of making forecasts based on potentially flawed information”.

The 13th five year plan released in March has given some clarity on the nation’s direction.

Some small steps have been taken in the country to address glaring oversupply issues – which many majors are now addressing by focusing on lowering output guidance – by shutting underperforming or low quality operations.

An official at China’s human resources and social security ministry said the nation’s coal and steel industries expect to cut around 1.8 million workers as it seeks to reduce capacity, and address the growing stockpiles in the country.

The latest plan to slash the country’s coal and steel workforce came only days after Chinese coal companies pushed the government to set a price floor for coal to protect against bankruptcy and stem job cuts.

The country plans to reduce around 500 million tonnes of coal production over the next three to five year, mainly by closing more than 5000 coal mines around the nation and relocating around one million workers, setting aside 30 billion yuan ($6.5 billion) to aid relocation of the workers.

China also has also announced it will not approve any new coal mines for the next three years.

These swift, if brutal, movements appear to already be paying dividends for the nation.

New data by Citigroup predicts the coal price may rise by 20 per cent on the back of these changes, as coal production falls around nine per cent, more than offsetting the predicted 3.4 per cent decline in demand.

In terms of iron ore, the rallies seen in the first half of 2016 have lifted the price out of the doldrums experienced in late 2015 to settle around the US$55 per tonne watermark, which provides a stronger foundation for continued growth in the market, although it does put the industry at risk of more marginal players returning to the sector and adding to the oversupply issue.

A national focus on copper intensive industries as part of its six strategic industries is also boosting the base metal’s future.

According to Wood Mackenzie, China’s plan to generate 15 per cent of its total GDP from industries such as IT hardware, energy storage and distribution, and new energy vehicles (which according to BHP Olympic Dam asset president Jacqui McGill uses three times as much copper as conventional vehicles) all bode well for copper.

This may drive reinvestment into its own coal and base metals industry later in the year, however most pundits believe China will focus its investment efforts outside its borders, spurred by long-term currency weakness driving them to invest in foreign assets before the yuan is further devalued and they lose purchasing power.

“This may lead to a short-term increase in outbound direct investments from Chinese state owned enterprises interested in both mining companies at the later stage of the production cycle and fixed asset investments in infrastructure that improves over time,” Deloitte said.

This has been evidenced by China’s Zijin US4298 million cash investment made in Barrick Gold’s subsidiary, and China Molybdenum’s recent spree – acquiring Anglo American’s Brazilian niobium and phosphates operations for US$1.5 billion and Freeport McMoRan’s holdings in the world’s largest copper and cobalt resource, the Tenke Fungurume mine, for US$2.65 billion in cash – only further vindicating market forecasts.

This short term resurgence is unlikely to be the new normal, with Goldman Sachs stating, “We find that the likelihood of a sustained improvement in Chinese demand during 2016-17 is low, and we remain strongly of the view that the structural bear market drives that have contributed to metals declining 20 per cent over the past year and 50 per cent over the past five years remain intact.”

However Deloitte has outlined a number of ways in which miners can prepare for upcoming incipient shifts.

One of the major methods to right the downturn is to not expect a return to double digit growth rates in China.

“Companies seeking to navigate the new normal must now plan for scenarios in which China is unable to return to its previous levels of importing and consuming commodities,” Deloitte’s report stated.

“Capital allocation, economic feasibility studies and even cost management programs will all need to be recontextualised in anticipation of more limited Chinese growth rates.”

Following from this, it encouraged miners to develop plans relative to China’s investment initiatives such as the AIIB; One Belt, One Road, and the megalopolis, playing a role in the development of these programs.


Dragline maintenance optimisation

Dragline Support

Ryan Sharp and Arnold Williams at BMT WBM, a subsidiary of BMT Group, believe that a sustained increase in production can only be truly realised when robust maintenance procedures are in place. Taking a closer look at draglines, they consider the current maintenance challenges and highlight how technological innovations can help optimise and in some cases, reduce maintenance and inspection workloads.

Recently, much of the focus has been on devising upgrades to existing machinery to help improve production capacity through increasing payloads and reducing cycle times.

However, increasing payloads and reducing cycle times often have the effect of reducing the service life of machine components and structures due to increased duty. With resistance to ‘avoidable’ downtime, too often payloads are increased and cycle times reduced without the required machine upgrades being installed, based on the expectation that the increased maintenance cost and effort required would be more than justified in consideration of the increase in production.

The approach towards maintenance has often been ad-hoc and ‘conventional’ with maintenance plans for a piece of equipmentoften simply put together on the basis of recommendations or instructions obtained from the OEMs for the operation in the original machine configuration. As a consequence, certain preventative maintenance tasks have become standardised, remaining somewhat unchanged and unreflective of the change of duties or increased loads handled by the upgraded plant and machinery.

With strong emphasis on mining machinery availability and the continuing trend towards operating at increased rates of production, this ‘conventional’ approach is no longer sustainable and mining companies must now look at using every available tool and technique to improve maintenance practices. Although the OEMs will provide maintenance departments with guidelines for servicing plant based on the specification on which it left the factory, what many operating companies do not consider is the effect that increasing the machine’s capacity or duty cycle will have on reliability and the required maintenance.

Often, machines will be upgraded to operate significantly above their original design loading. Such upgrades create specific issues that cannot necessarily be dealt with in the traditional way, i.e. when something breaks, you simply replace it, or when it cracks you weld it. This approach simply does not work when a machine has been pushed beyond the original design specifications as it leads to an unacceptable ‘Mean Time Between Failures’ (MTBF). When increasing the load, it’s important that the implications of this change are duly considered and thought is put into how you ensure the original design reliability is maintained to avoid further issues in the future. Otherwise failure rates will increase and availability will begin to fall away. A smarter approach to maintenance is certainly needed.

Advances in technology are noteworthy and have certainly impacted the way in which maintenance departments operate.  The tools that are available for engineers are getting faster and more accurate.  Whilst in the past, if there was a structural failure, it may have taken two to three weeks before a decision could be made as to whether to shut down production to fix the problem or continue operating the machine, with today’s structural modelling and analysis tools such as ANSYS, Femap, IDEAS, LS-DYNA and Abaqus, these decisions can be determined much more effectively and efficiently.

BMT WBM has been involved with dragline maintenance issues and improvement strategies for over 40 years. Key areas of failure include boom, mast and roller circle. A more sophisticated approach to maintenance can, in some cases, reduce maintenance and inspection workloads and extend the fatigue life of these structures. BMT WBM has completed numerous Finite Element Analyses identifying high stress and fatigue prone areas of dragline structures. A map can then be created to guide maintenance inspectors on where to focus their attention, ultimately reducing the time needed for the inspections.

While maintenance planning in mining has been systematised for many years, techniques such as Reliability Centred Maintenance (RCM) which have been used over the last 40 years in other industries, including aerospace, are being increasingly applied to mining machinery maintenance. RCM techniques can help identify the component failures that impact availability most significantly and thereby, enabling appropriate solutions to be devised.

One recent example where RCM principles have been followed to significantly improve the reliability of mining machine operation on a Marion 8200 Dragline is where a substantial revolving frame floor upgrade was carried out in order to design out ongoing structural cracking issues. The cracking originated from large floor penetrations and propagated across the machine. The maintenance effort required to keep up the repairs were onerous. The problem stemmed from a pre-existing deficiency of the OEM design in this area and the accumulation of fatigue damage through a long service for the machine. Further, in an effort to increase production, the mine was intending to increase the suspended load and was concerned about further exacerbating the problems in this area. BMT WBM used a combination of field measurements to obtain the actual working stresses and analysis to propose a substantial design upgrade for the floor. The upgrade was implemented during a major maintenance shutdown for the machine. Currently, this upgrade has been in place for approximately six months.

Working closely with Westmoreland Coal Co, BMT recently deployed its innovative DuraCluster modification and repair scheme which dramatically improves the fatigue performance of cluster joints on existing tubular dragline boom designs. This involved replacing a number of fatigued boom clusters with DuraCluster to demonstrate both ease of installation and operational suitability.

Once implemented, this modification for tubular boom draglines significantly reduces maintenance and inspection workloads and dramatically reduces the problem of long-term fatigue cracking associated with the existing cluster design. BMT was able to offer both reduced downtime and outage costs. Once installed, DuraCluster also reduces the risks to operators and maintenance teams in having to lower the boom and carry out complicated weld repairs with limited access. Installation for Westmoreland was successfully completed in the allocated time frame and the dragline returned to duty.

The long booms of draglines comprise a number of tubular chords with interconnecting lacings welded to the chords at cluster joints. Stresses are concentrated at the cluster joint weldments and over time, fatigue cracking becomes endemic. This methodology prevents the need to cut and replace windows in lacings by removing the problematic design detail and improving load paths. Furthermore, DuraCluster can dramatically extend the fatigue life of dragline booms by reducing the stress concentrations.

A boom replacement can cost in the region of $20 million and would require a three-month machine outage. With BMT’s modification and repair, the cluster design can be upgraded in around one week per cluster, depending on the extent of chord repair required, while multiple clusters can be modified simultaneously. With equivalent repair costs reduced to approximately $2 million, this is an extremely attractive incentive for mining companies. While DuraCluster provides a step change in life to cracking for tubular boom construction, it is equally applicable to tubular masts.

The innovative design allows lacings to be cut away from the chord, providing easy access to remove damaged or previously-repaired material. The exposed chord can then be inspected and fully weld repaired before installing the plate. Full patent rights for the DuraCluster design have been granted in Australia, South Africa, India and North America and discussions are taking place with potential clients in all these territories.

Another area of significant technological advances made over the past 15 to 20 years is the dragline slew bearing, also known as the roller circle. The roller circle and the supporting structures immediately above and below are vital mechanical and structural component of the dragline. Installation and maintenance activities in these areas carried out to a poor standard can lead to large amounts of cracking in the tub and the revolving frame and very poor bearing life. BMT WBM has developed supporting and repair techniques ensuring that the welding and machining of the upper and lower rail pads are done to a very high standard resulting in good bearing load distribution and long roller circle service life.

Coal’s formation is a window on an ancient world

As the world moves to combat climate change, it’s increasingly doubtful that coal will continue to be a viable energy source, because of its high greenhouse gas emissions. But coal played a vital role in the Industrial Revolution and continues to fuel some of the world’s largest economies. This series looks at coal’s past, present and uncertain future, starting today with how it’s formed.

Love it or hate it, coal played a crucial role in launching us into the modern world by fuelling the Industrial Revolution. The byproducts of that role were, of course, the rise of greenhouse gases in our atmosphere and dangerous levels of air pollution in the big coal-fuelled cities.

But despite its insidious influence on the climate and our health, coal has a lesser-known positive side to its otherwise dark soul. It has provided us with some stunning fossils.

Geologists have known for centuries that coal is an accumulation of plant material that, once buried in the Earth’s sedimentary layers, gets compressed by gravity into a denser, compact form. Yet, in recent years, scientists have hotly debated the early phases of coal formation.

The discussion hinges on whether coal formed due to the absence of certain organisms that actively break down the woody tissues of dead trees, or whether other non-biological factors were the reason.

Contested origins

Coal starts its cycle of formation with the accumulation of plant material in swamps or bogs. Decaying plant matter that builds up at the bottom of bogs or swamps is called peat. After other sedimentary layers bury the peat deposit, the weight of these sediments builds up and compacts it.

Other chemical and physical processes also alter the peat, including pressures exerted by tectonic forces as continents move and crash into one another. These processes eventually turn the layers of compacted peat into rock we can mine.

Pure black coal, richer in organic carbon and tempered by heat and pressure, is called anthracite. Brown coal, or lignite, is mostly just compressed peat and has more sediment mixed in with plant matter.

Coal has formed as very large deposits at certain times in Earth’s prehistory. So much so that Reverend William Conybeare, the esteemed British geologist of the early 19th century, first named the Carboniferous or “carbon-bearing” period (359 million to 299 million years ago) after the distinctive coal deposits of Britain in his book of 1822.

These great coal swamps formed in what were the Earth’s first great forests. They were home to many varieties of giant amphibians and early reptiles and huge insects, as global oxygen levels were very high at this time.

Scientific treasures from coal: the Iguanodon dinosaur display in Brussels Museum of Natural Sciences.
Brussels Museum of Natural Sciences website

For many years, scientists believed that coal formed in such large deposits at these times because certain fungi that helped break down the lignin, or woody tissues, had not yet evolved. The molecular clock estimates for the appearance of these fungi, called Agariomycetes, suggest they should appear in the Permian period (299 million to 252 million years ago), after the formation of the vast Carboniferous coal deposits.

A new theory

But this doesn’t account for the huge amounts of coal that formed in much later geological periods, such as the Cenozoic, over the past 65 million years. And a new study, led by Matthew Nelsen of Stanford University, takes issue with this model, as well as presenting a new hypothesis for coal formation.

The study authors argue that coal formed in the Carboniferous period consists dominantly of plants such as horsetails, or Lycophytes. These trees grew to enormous sizes and their periderm, or outer cuticles of the trunk, lack lignin, so wouldn’t be affected by the absence of lignin-degrading fungi. Their argument points to the biochemical composition of the plants having little to do with how coal accumulates.

The distribution of coal deposits through time is seen in the chart below of the estimated total volume of coal in North America. Large deposits of coal also accumulated during the age of dinosaurs (Mesozoic Era, from 252 million to 66 million years ago) and during the first half of the Cenozoic period (between 66 million and 30 million years ago), well after the predicted first appearance of lignin-degrading fungi.

Terrestrial coal accumulation in North America, through time. Note the large peaks during the Carboniferous ‘C’ and early Cenozoic ‘Pg’. Taken from the paper by Nelsen et al. (2016).
Prof. Kevin Boyce, with permission.

The paper argues that tectonic factors are the most likely reason such big coal deposits built up at certain times. Large basins fill up with thick sedimentary piles when continents collide and mountain-building occurs. Some really excellent fossils have been found in such coal deposits, although the acidity of coal often dissolves bones.

The best-preserved fossils are those caught in the cleaner sediments laid down by streams between coal seams. Such fossils are routinely uncovered as part of coal mining. Several of the large fossil amphibians that lived in the Carboniferous swamps have been found this way.

A famous site at Nyrany in the Czech Republic was discovered because the director of the natural history museum there had coal delivered to heat his room. Splitting the coal sometimes yielded well-preserved fossils of early amphibians, so he could add scientifically significant specimens to his collections without leaving his office.

Perhaps the most famous fossils found in a coal mine were uncovered at Bernissart in Belgium. Many skeletons, representing 33 individuals of the large plant-eating dinosaur Iguanodon, were found there in 1878. These skeletons were among the first complete dinosaurs ever found.

Although coal is much maligned because of its byproducts from combustion, the factors responsible for coal accumulation also give us fossil treasures from the past. To stop coal mining would undoubtedly mean many good fossils remain in the ground. But the long-term health of our planet is a bigger priority.

This is the first article in our series on the past, present and future of coal. Look out for others in the coming days.

John will be online for an Author Q&A between 2:30 and 3:30pm AEST today (Wednesday 8 June, 2016). Post any questions you have in the comments below.

The Conversation

John Long, Strategic Professor in Palaeontology, Flinders University

This article was originally published on The Conversation. Read the original article.

New dry iron ore processing technology developed

OURO PRETO / MINAS GERAIS / BRASIL - 07.10.2015  Inauguração da planta da New Steel, NS3, na Mina de Fábrica da Vale, em Ouro Preto. © Washington Alves / Light Press
Inauguração da planta da New Steel, NS3, na Mina de Fábrica da Vale, em Ouro Preto.
© Washington Alves / Light Press

The mine tailing dam spill at BHP and Vale’s Samarco iron ore operations last year killed 19 people and had devastating effects on the environment.

Occurring in Minas Gerais, a south-eastern Brazilian state, the spill injured more than 50 people and contaminated the water supply of several towns.

But can these tailings dam environmental disasters potentially be avoided with new processing technologies?

Brazilian company New Steel have developed a new dry iron ore tailings process to make mining more environmentally sustainable.

It involves the dry recovery of iron ore fines and super fines from mining wastes, low grade run of mine (ROM), or compact itabirite.

The method does not use water to process iron ore, instead it transforms mining tailings – with low iron content and no commercial value – into high iron content and low contaminants, making it economically viable.

As iron ore must be composed of grades of at least 58 per cent, mining companies stack the lower grade material on tailings dumps.

This material with low iron content is then processed and iron is separated from other materials, particularly silica (sand), from these stacks. In doing this, the company can produce a highly pure iron ore concentrate in an industrial scale by obtaining a premium product of up to 68 per cent iron, as well as being able to make use of particles as small as 0.01mm, thus generating high recovery rates compared to existing methods.

The moisture content of the ore is reduced through a mechanical stir dryer (using natural gas or biomass), and is classified into various fractions. The ore is then separated magnetically using a magnetic separation unit (FDMS).

The drying process increases particle segregation, with the technology’s air classifier able to separate particle sizes down to 0.01 mm. Whereas existing dry separation processes work for relatively coarse particles greater than 0.55mm, the FDMS technology can separate fine particles up to 0.01mm, increasing efficiency.

The technology aims to improve the recovery of iron ore still contained in wastes or low grade ROM making it possible to obtain iron ore concentrate with 68 per cent iron, and ultimately providing high metallurgical and mass recoveries.

New Steel CEO Gustavo Emina said, “Before the invention, the only technology available to raise the content of very fine iron ore particles was flotation, but flotation is water-sensitive and is not economically sustainable in the current scenario of pricing, making any new project unfeasible, as it demands high spending.”

Emina explained to Australian Mining, “In this dry process no water is used thus there is no need for tailing dams.”

This will have significant benefits compared to wet processing methods as the effects of tailing dam bursts have not only been felt in Brazil, but more recently in the Solomon Islands as well.

The collapse of the dam on the island’s Gold Ridge mine released millions of litres of toxic water containing arsenic and other heavy metal tailings into waterways towards communities further downstream. The project, sold by St Barbara to local landowners, already faced a number of previous environmental concerns due to heavy rainfall, flooding, and cyclones with its tailing dam close to collapse. Last year the government declared the mine a disaster area after tropical cyclone Tracey brought heavy rains that filled the dam to near overflow.

Emina further outlined the advantages of the process; such as heightening the value of otherwise marginal deposits and increasing the output and export capacity of iron ore producers through beneficiation of their mining waste.

It reduces the impact on the environment by storing and recovering tailing stockpiles to produce a higher ore grade, and avoiding environmental issues associated with tailing dams such spills and seepage.

Other advantages include a low energy consumption rate and its ability to increase the life of a mine. Dry processing plants also have a reduced size compared to traditional facilities.

As the waste generated after the iron ore is extracted is mainly sand, it can be used as a byproduct in the construction of houses, schools and other facilities, enhancing its sustainability.

“The greater efficiency of the FDMS generates a dry clean waste with five per cent iron that can be used by the cement or ceramic industry,” Emina added.

The technology has been undergoing trials since 2010 in Brazil with the company’s operation of the first experimental dry processing plant in Minas Gerais.

The Brazilian Institute of Industrial Property (INPI) ranked the patent application as a Green Patent due to its sustainability. New Steel also received an award in the innovation category at the international Platts Global Metals Awards, considered the ‘Oscar’ of mining.

The patent has been approved in the United States and is also being processed in 26 other countries.

Negotiations to implement the new technology in the US are underway.

New multiplatform mapping system launched

3D Laser Mapping have released ROBIN, the first multi-platform mapping system to provide three alternative mapping options in one solution. The system was launched at this year’s GeoBusiness 2016 geospatial event in London.

ROBIN allows users to map areas via walking, driving or flying. It provides a multi-purpose, all round system integrating 12 MP for driving, 18MP for walking and flying, two GNSS antennas, GIS grade IMU navigation system, touch screen control unit, three mounting systems, capture software, a post-processing software package, and has a field of view of 330 degrees.

Long range and precision versions are also available.

The system improves the quality of measurements, minimises costs to businesses, and increases the safety of workers.

Executive chairman at 3D Laser Mapping Graham Hunter said ROBIN is an exciting product for the industry and provides high quality data capture from a wide range of terrains including footpaths, forests, and coastlines that are only accessible by foot.

Mark Hudson, managing director of consulting geospatial engineers and chartered land surveyors Geoterra, received an advanced preview of the technology, saying, “It’s become evident that there’s a gap in the sector for this kind of product and we’re sure it’ll prove to be an extremely popular addition to the marketplace.”

3D Laser Mapping also plans to launch the indoor mapping SLAM upgrade for the system later this year.


Stockpile Monitoring Solutions


Arrium sale expected to be complete by year’s end

Image: Reuters

Image: Reuters

Steel and iron ore business Arrium will be on the market in late-July and most of the restructure and sale is expected to be completed by the end of the year, says the company’s administrators.

AAP and others report that administrators KordaMentha have presented a proposal to state and federal governments for co-investment in Arrium’s loss-making Whyalla steelworks.

SA premier Jay Weatherill said any co-investment strategy to return the mill to viability could amount to hundreds of millions of dollars, reports The Advertiser. It should not be used to pump the company up for sale, he said.

Assistance would be discussed with the federal government and opposition in the coming days.

“But given that both parties are now in caretaker mode, it will require a bipartisan response and we expect to have our position finalised soon,” ABC’sPM reports him as saying.

Upgrades at the Whyalla site are badly needed, said the administrator.

“The mill has been under-invested in for some period of time,” Mark Metha of KordaMentha told the ABC.

“The capex [capital expenditure] and maintenance on the plant has probably been about 40 per cent of depreciation so it’s been in decline for a long period of time. I think most people understand that.”

Baillieu Hoist chief economist Darryl Gobbett said the company was likely to be carved up and sold, and it was vital the steelmaking component stay Australian-owned.

“Strategically we need this capability, but we need to bring Arrium’s offerings up the value chain and that will require public sector money,” he told The Advertiser.

The Arrium group of companies went into voluntary administration in April. Its debts total more than $4 billion.

Sandvik develops new top hammer drill bit

Top-center-drill-bit_2-604x270Sandvik has created a new design for top centre drill bits.

According to the company they feature the largest upgrade to face drilling bits in decades.

Following field testing of the new bits, Sandvik recorded up to 80 per cent longer grinding intervals and up to 60 per cent long bit lives, which results in higher productivity due to longer service life, and a safer working environment due to fewer bit changes.

“The top priority when developing the new top centre rill bit was to increase service life,” Sandvik stated,” since the main reason for discarding a drill bit is excessive wear on the diameter, the simplest way to achieve longer service life is to add more gauge buttons.”

“However, this can prove problematic because of the minimal space available; furthermore an increase in the number or size of the carbide buttons generally decreases the penetration rate: the same impact force yields a lower net for per button.”

Sandvik believes it has now solved this problem with a ‘raised font’ elevating two or three front buttons – depending on the diameter size – by a few millimetres above the gauge buttons located on the periphery of the bit.

These front buttons are set at a slight angle relative to the symmetric axis of the bit, the raised front also creates a recessed hole bottom pattern that alters the rock breaking action to achieve improved performance.

In addition, the top centre bit also features a new cemented carbide grade, the GC80.

“The problem with carbides that exist on the market today is that they are either wear-resistant or tough,” Sandvik Mining top hammer tools product manager Robert Grandin said.

“When developing the GC80, we wanted to combine the best of those two worlds in order to get as much as possible out of the top centre design.

“The new bit design essentially delivers more drill metres per shift compared with a standard bit, thanks to fewer bit changes.”

The top centre drill bits are available in bit sizes 43, 45, 48 millimetres, with 2-3 raised end buttons and 7-8 gauge buttons in grade GC80 and connections R32, Sandvik Alpha 330, and R35.

Driving the Australian wire rope market

wire-rope-604x270Australia’s largest wire rope supplier WRI industries has been playing an ever-growing game since the 1920s, building a business from the BHP empire to become the largest supplier in the country, and thanks to a fortuitous buyout, the world.

Australia’s manufacturing industry cops a lot of bad press, and in focussing on stories about companies going bust due to managerial stagnation and waste, we forget about the success stories, the companies holding their own and continuing to press forward in productivity and innovation.

With the fall of Arrium last month, the mining industry would do well to acknowledge a business that arose from the BHP and the OneSteel empire, which will continue to thrive thanks to good management and sound investment: WRI Australia.

WRI Australia is the most successful wire rope business in the nation’s history. Dating back to its first rope produced for the mining industry in 1926, WRI has gone from strength to strength, streamlining operations to maximise efficiency over the past 90 years.

Until 12 months ago, WRI (Wire Rope Industries) was owned by the Arrium Group. The recent purchase by one of the world’s largest producers of wire and other related products, Belgian company Bekaert, may have saved the jobs of 100 Newcastle employees at the WRI factory.

At present, the chief claim to fame of the WRI business in Newcastle is the fact that it produces around 90 per cent of the wire rope used in the Australian mining industry. That’s ropes for draglines and shovels, ropes for cable-hauled conveyors, crane ropes and lifting gear, not to mention the structural ropes produced for engineering projects in other sectors.

A world-leader in the manufacture of drags, hoist ropes and pendants for draglines, as well as the shorter pendants for shovels, WRI’s is a story of successful management, of changing with the times in order to meet the needs of industry.

In its heyday as the Australian Wire Rope Works, a fully-owned subsidiary of BHP from 1933 onwards, the Newcastle factory produced many different wire rope products, and employed up to 450 workers at any one time.

Today the Newcastle factory, still with original art deco brick frontage, produces only 30 different products for the mining industry, and employs 100 people. Good management and top-class approach to safety made the company an attractive buy for a multi-national looking to take over the world’s wire rope business.

Baekart has all but monopolised the world’s manufacture of this important consumable, as late last year the Belgian manufacturer announced plans to merge with the largest wire rope manufacturer in the US, Bridon, to form a joint venture which will be named the Bridon Bekaert Ropes Group.

Meeting Australian needs.

With original BHP pedigree, WRI is primarily about mining supply, specialising in new-technology ropes that will last longer in the field.

Chief among the products manufactured in Newcastle are the plastic infused wire ropes, which were designed specifically for the mining market, to suffer the extremes of heavy use.

One of the key advantages of plastic infused rope is that it is impossible for dirt and rock chips to become embedded between the rope wires, where the intrusion can cause excessive wear and weaknesses in rope strands. The plastic coating serves as a barrier against contaminants and foreign bodies, which is especially important for shovel hoist ropes, which are exposed to contaminants in operation.

The other major benefit is that the impregnated plastic prevents the kind of wear that occurs within dynamic ropes, which are designed to be repeatedly put under load and strain, creating movement and wear between the wires. The impregnated plastic helps to retain the natural balance of the rope by locking strands in place to minimise the movement of component strands and wires during operation.

In addition, the plastic coating provides a smooth surface to pass over sheaves and drums, preventing nicking as well as wear to the sheaves, where a great deal of the outer wear on the rope occurs.

Each of these benefits adds up to a doubling of the expected operational life of each rope, which represents a significant saving when a single shovel pendant sells for around $20,000.

WRI also ensures additional levels of safety are built into the pendant sockets in a technique that ensures failure of the connection is impossible. By passing the rope into the socket, splaying out individual wires and filling the void with molten zinc, the safe working load of the connection is ensured to be greater than that of the rope.

WRI also specialises in long distance cable-haul conveyors, where resistance to corrosion is important to keep maintenance costs down, as is the number of splices in the rope made to achieve long distances.

According to WRI general manager Stuart Callender, Australia is home to one of the largest populations of overland conveyor systems, for materials handling from mines and loading facilities to ports.

“They take long continuous lengths of rope, so we took the opportunity to invest in machinery capable of achieving that. Those ropes are just under 10km long, and we make them in parcels of around 120 to 130 tonne.

Manufacturing the ropes in such long single lengths precludes the need to splice smaller ropes together, which would create unnecessary points of weakness in the rope.

With export markets in China, South America and South Africa to name a few, around 10-15 per cent of the total production from WRI in Newcastle goes overseas.

The success of WRI as Australia’s premier wire rope business is grounded in manufacturing experience dating from the 1920s, evolution and continual development of manufacturing techniques, and ongoing investment in technology, as well as service to the customer.