金矿商Northern Star计划开发价值15亿澳元项目扩展
金矿商 Northern Star(ASX:NST)已决定批准在西澳大利亚州卡尔古利(Kalgoorlie)开发价值15亿澳元的KCGM工厂扩建项目。
【澳股资讯平台 – 61 Financial 6月23日讯】金矿商 Northern Star(ASX:NST)周四发布公告称,其已决定批准在西澳大利亚州卡尔古利(Kalgoorlie)开发价值15亿澳元的KCGM工厂扩建项目。
根据更新,Northern Star预计该开发将进一步加强北极星的关键资产和公司的整体投资组合。预计KCGM的处理能力将从1300万吨/年增加到2700万吨/年,并实现现代化。
- 税后内部收益率(IRR)为19%;
- 项目投资回收期4.6年;
- 黄金平均年产量为90万盎司;
- 平均每年全部维持成本(AISC)为每盎司1425澳元(全公司AISC目前为每盎司1766澳元)。
Northern Star预计,产量将从2027财年开始增加,到2029财年达到2700万吨/年的稳定产量。
公司公告KCGM Mill Expansion Financial Investment Decision
Northern Star Resources set to expand the Super Pit

The Northern Star Resources board has approved the expansion of the Fimiston Mill, part of the Kalgoorlie Consolidated Gold Mines’ (KCGM) Super Pit.
The expansion from 13 million tonnes per annum (Mtpa) to 37Mtpa is set to cost $1.5 billion and is due to be completed in 2026.
Located at the centre of the Kalgoorlie goldfields, the Super Pit is one of Australia’s largest open pit gold mines and includes the Mt Charlotte underground mine and the Fimiston and Gidji processing plants.
“Today is an exciting day for Northern Star and a historic new chapter for this world-class asset,” Northern Star managing director Stuart Tonkin said.
“The board’s decision to approve the KCGM mill expansion and optimisation represents the next stage to revitalise our largest asset as well as the surrounding district for decades to come.
This project is financially compelling, and a significant enabling step towards delivering our strategy to generate superior returns for our shareholders.”
Northern Star has had a productive start to the year at the Super Pit, increasing gold resources to 57.4 million ounces (Moz) and keeping ore reserves steady at 20.2Moz.
Tonkin said the company is confident the site will continue to produce significant value.
“Our confidence in the economics of KCGM to remain a long-life, low-cost gold mine has been further reinforced through the feasibility study phase,” he said.
“Expanding the processing capacity of KCGM will strengthen Northern Star’s portfolio, materially increase our free cash flow generation and progress our long-term strategy to be within the 2nd quartile of the global cost curve.
“Further, the project is important in our sustainability journey and will also sustain hundreds of local jobs, economic and social investment, and local procurement opportunities in the Goldfields region.”