Hail Victoria: The new five-year state plan for mining

Australian Mining looks over the latest mineral resources strategy from the Victorian Government, which aims for a spend of $220 million over the next five years.

On August 28 2018, the Victorian Government released its mineral resources strategy for 2018–2023, identifying key challenges and opportunities in the state’s mining sector.

The government report, entitled State of Discovery: Mineral Resources Strategy 2018–2023, lays out five key action areas that explore different segments of Victoria’s minerals sector. The Victorian Government is aiming to spend $220 million in exploration investment by June 2023 to help meet these goals.

While not the largest Australian mining state, Victoria is home to several large mining companies, including BHP, Newcrest and OceanaGold, with Melbourne-based firms accounting for 65 per cent of mining stock from the ASX100 in 2018 ($188 billion in all).

Meanwhile, major mines such as Fosterville (Victoria’s largest gold mine), owned by Canadian-Australian miner Kirkland Lake, have posted record results recently, with production at said mine up 21 per cent to June 2018.

In addition, mineral spend is increasing significantly in Victoria, up 79 per cent year on year (YoY) in March 2018 compared with 27 per cent nationally according to figures from the Australian Bureau of Statistics.

The minerals industry in Victoria also employs around 121,000 people and made a total direct and indirect contribution of $13.6 billion in 2015–16 for the state coffers (around four per cent of gross state product).

State of Discovery: Mineral Resources Strategy 2018–2023 is championing ambitious growth for Victoria’s minerals sector. Megan Davison executive director of the Minerals Council of Australia (MCA), posted a warm response to the report, stating that, “Victoria is blessed with a diverse commodity base including operating gold, antimony and brown coal mines, world-class mineral sands deposits and highly prospective precious and base metals provinces.”

The Victorian Government cites Victoria’s “intensively developed” landscape as a potential challenge for exploration expansion in the report, and as such has emphasised responsible minerals exploration as a key point of its strategic overview.

To advance geoscience and encourage mineral exploration and development to Victoria, the Government plans to release a Victorian resource prospectus that integrates resource and freight transport planning. It also plans to conduct competitive tenders to attract “high-performing” explorers.

The meat of the report lies in its five key action areas, however; key points to be addressed over the next five years.

The five action areas include (in order) Confident Communities and Responsible Explorers; Advancing Geoscience and Encouraging Mineral Exploration and Development; Victoria as a Global Mining Hub; Improve Regulatory Practice and Industry Compliance; and Deliver Modern, Fit-For-Purpose Laws.

The report’s introductory strategic overview states that “gaining and maintaining community confidence in the social, environmental, and economic performance of mineral exploration and development [is] critical for the sector” and the first of the five key action points builds on this.

Confident Communities and Responsible Explorers relates to improving community acceptance of the mineral resources industry through better understanding of the attitudes of Victoria’s community towards the sector and improved support of landholders in their negotiations with the industry. 

The State Government hopes to build this trust by improving transparency and social responsibility standards for explorers, while also securing enduring benefits for host communities.

In addition, the Victorian Government hopes to provide more information to local communities about mining’s value and build a socially and environmentally responsible mining environment.

The second key action area, Advancing Geoscience and Encouraging Mineral Exploration and Development, refers primarily to the Victorian Government’s plan to create a Victorian resources prospectus to increase interest in mineral investment to Victoria. The Victorian Government will also attempt to make use of freight transport for mineral operation expansion and support skills development for mining (and mining services) through apprenticeships and TAFE courses.

The third action area, Victoria as a Global Mining Hub, is to focus on Victoria’s expansion as a mining exports provider. It cites factors such as the continuing growth of Victoria’s mining exports as a percentage of total exports, increase in mining companies, and hosting of events such as the annual International Mining and Resources Conference (IMARC) in Melbourne as evidence of this.

The fourth and penultimate action point, Improve Regulatory Practice and Industry Compliance, will see the creation of a robust regulatory system that builds on the Victorian Government’s current Earth Resources Regulation (ERR), part of the Department of Economic Development, Jobs, Transport and Resources.

ERR has seen backlog reductions in the last year for work plan and licence applications since the commencement of reforms last year, and the 2018-19 Victorian Budget will include $12.7 million of funding to support the implementation of further regulatory streamlining procedures, including an upgraded online system for mining applications.

The overall aim of this section will be to “simplify processes, sharpen risk focus, provide clear and timely information” as well as to “improve coordination between regulators”, “build regulator capability to support industry compliance,” and “measure, evaluate and report on regulatory and industry performance”.

The final key action point is Deliver Modern, Fit-For-Purpose Laws, which will allow for increased options for “responsible and safe” mining and mineral exploration. In August, the Victorian Government introduced the Mineral Resources (Sustainable Development) Amendment Bill 2018, which declared that a new Mine Land Rehabilitation Authority (MLRA) be implemented to succeed the current Latrobe Valley Mine Rehabilitation Commissioner (LRMVC).

Mines are to develop post-closure rehabilitation plans, with said plans a legal obligation of the landowner, with MLRA able to take on this role and responsibility in exchange for payment from the mine owner.

The action point states that the Victorian Government will develop on this bill by increasing transparency for investors and the community, amending the Mineral Resources (Sustainable Development) Act (MRSDA) to allow for the publication of non-commercial-in-confidence mining licences and work plans.

Information disclosure requirements will be revised, as will requirements for the timeliness of the release of mineral exploration data. Commercial-in-confidence data will be” appropriately protected where there is a genuine need for non-disclosure,” the report states.

Overall, the Victorian Government has delivered an ambitious report that suggests a confidence in mining’s returning optimism. As Davison says, “State of Discovery provides an opportunity to grow the state’s minerals industry through greater investment attractiveness, more engaged communities and modern regulatory regimes.”

This article originally appeared in the October issue of Australian Mining.

Australia’s mining and engineering sector on show at QME 2018

Queensland Mining and Engineering Exhibition (QME) 2018 saw more than 4,000 attendees visiting the event to explore the latest strategies and technologies driving productivity, profitability and protection of the industry.

More than 230 exhibitors attended this year’s event, an impressive 41 per cent increase on QME 2016. Industry heavyweights included Downer Group, Flender, Flexco, FLSmidth, Puma Energy, SMW Group, thyssenkrupp and Valley Longwall International. 

Representation from key mining companies Adani, Anglo American, BHP, Glencore and Yancoal reaffirmed QME as a must-attend event for the Queensland mining industry. Collaboration was an underlying theme in the QME Seminar series sponsored by March IT. 

 With Australia’s mining equipment, technology and services (METS) sector contributing $86 billion to the Australian economy and supporting half-a-million jobs, QME 2018 also welcomed Australian Government representatives, Senator Michaelia Cash (Minister for Jobs and Innovation), Senator Matt Canavan (Minister for Resources and Northern Australia) and Mr George Christensen MP (member for Dawson).

Brandon Ward, director of QME 2018, said the success of this year’s exhibition reaffirmed the strength of the industry and its continued importance to the Queensland economy, with initial reports indicating a multi-million-dollar boost to the region during QME. 

“With the sector playing such a significant role in the nation’s prosperity, it’s important that leading companies, decision makers, and personnel in mining and engineering have a major calendar event to come together to network and source the latest products and services,” said Ward. 

“We would like to thank our supporters and all of the attendees, exhibitors, and speakers who chose QME 2018 to be that event, and Mackay to be that location.” 

Ian Macfarlane, chief executive of supporting partner Queensland Resources Council (QRC), said the popularity of QME 2018 represented tremendous opportunity for businesses in the region.

“QME has been a fixture in Mackay for the last 25 years and remains the most important trade show for the region’s mining industry. It is truly a festival of innovation – brimming with ideas, energy and pavilions of all the latest products,” said Macfarlane.

“The exhibition provided a great opportunity for industry to come face-to-face with the best innovators the country, and find new opportunities that will safeguard the industry for generations to come in Australia.”

QRC figures show that last financial year, minerals and energy companies injected almost $14 billion into Mackay and Fitzroy regional economies. A survey of QRC’s chief executive officers (CEOs) showed that more than half were looking to increase their spending with local businesses this year.

QME also played host to the 2018 Queensland Mining Awards, celebrating the spirit of innovation, excellence and collaboration that is fostered within the highly competitive industry. QME sponsored this year’s Best Product Launch Award, won by Control Systems Technology for its IntelliRoll an autonomous ‘plug-and-play’ conveyor belt weigher.   

QME will return to Mackay in July 2020 but the next major event for engineers, mining personnel, production managers and other professionals in mining and engineering will be the Asia-Pacific International Mining Exhibition (AIMEX) set to be held August 2019 in Sydney.

Restart of Century zinc mine ‘imminent’

New Century Resources is on the verge of restarting the Century zinc mine in Queensland after making strong progress in July.

The mine, 250km northwest of Mt Isa, was one of the largest zinc mines in the world during its original operational run from 1999 to 2016, when it was closed by previous owner MMG.

At the height of operations the mine was producing an average of 475,000t of zinc and 50,000t of lead a year. New Century has plans for the mine to become one of the world’s top 10 zinc mines when up and running.

New Century stated that mining, processing and port operations teams were now in place, with site activities moved from day shifts to a 24-hour schedule.

In July, the company completed mechanical installation, nearly finished dry commissioning and completed dredging at the mouth of the Norman River for shipping routes.

New Century will use the vessel MV Wunma, which was also confirmed to be ready for launch last month after testing of engines, generators, bridge equipment, ballast systems and several other necessary areas.

Notably, the company also fully commissioned its pipeline operation for the site, a 304km slurry concentrate pipeline connecting the mine in Lawn Hill to the project’s port facility at Karumba.

Rio Tinto takes key step towards first ‘intelligent’ mine

Rio Tinto has approved $US146 million ($197 million) in preliminary funding for the Koodaideri iron ore project in the Pilbara region, Western Australia.

The miner plans to develop Koodaideri into its first “intelligent” operation by including the latest in high-tech advances in the industry and by using an increased level of automation and robotics.

Koodaideri is described as a large scale, low cost, high quality project that will produce replacement tonnes and form a new production hub for the company in the Pilbara for decades to come.

The initial investment will focus on detailed engineering work on key elements of the project, the development of a rail construction camp and the first stage of the Koodaideri accommodation camp.

Rio Tinto expects to make a final investment decision on the project by the end of the year and also requires government approvals.

If approved, Rio Tinto has scheduled construction to begin in 2019 and first production in 2021. Koodaideri would create over 2000 jobs during construction and 600 permanent roles.

Rio Tinto Iron Ore chief executive Chris Salisbury said the investment was an important step for the Koodaideri project, which would be a significant leap forward for the global mining industry and the company.

“We’ve been building mines in the Pilbara for over 50 years, and, subject to final approvals, Koodaideri will incorporate all of that knowledge to enable us to build the smartest, safest and most efficient mine we’ve ever constructed,” Salisbury said.

“The deployment of leading-edge technology will deliver a step-change in both safety and productivity for our business.”

Koodaideri is about 110km from Newman in the Pilbara.


The acquisition of a century-old company specialising in cutting edge ground engaging tools will enable it to diversify globally, according to its new owner.

The merger of ESCO Corporation into the Weir Group is set to offer producers “market-leading solutions” from extraction to concentration, with the latter’s service centres spanning major parts of the world.

The Weir Group recently completed the acquisition for an enterprise value of $1.2 billion, after the merger was first announced in April.

“We are delighted to formally welcome ESCO to Weir,” Weir Group chief executive Jon Stanton said.

“It is a great brand that is respected throughout the world for its quality, performance and reliability. ESCO’s strength in extraction complements our leadership in the mill circuit, meaning that together we will have a comprehensive offering for mining companies around the world,” Stanton said.

Current ESCO president and chief operating officer Jon Owens, who joined Weir’s Group Executive committee, will continue to lead the business, as it becomes a division of the Weir Group.

“No other mining equipment provider will be able to offer customers market-leading solutions from extraction to concentration supported by a service centre network that covers every major mining region in the world,” Owens said.

ESCO has an extensive installed base of lip systems that house short-cycle consumables, such as teeth, shrouds, adaptors, blades and locking systems, with aftermarket sales representing about 90 per cent of ESCO’s revenues.

Weir’s traditional strength lies in slurry handling equipment with brands including Warman and GEHO pumps, Cavex hydrocyclones and Linatex rubber products.

Founded in Portland, Oregon, in 1913, ESCO currently employs around 2600 people with operations in 19 countries (including Australia), and generated $USD632 million in revenue last year.

A leader in mining and upstream oil and gas, Weir Group, with a 15,000-strong staff, has facilities in more than 70 countries (Australia included) and a global network of more than 100 service centres covering all key regions.

Rio Tinto awards Pilbara conveyor contract to Fenner Dunlop

Fenner Dunlop has secured a permanent contract with Rio Tinto to provide conveyor maintenance services at the Cape Lambert and Dampier Ports in Western Australia.

The long-term agreement is expected to create more than 40 full-time jobs. It will see Fenner Dunlop service all of the conveyors at the Pilbara ports.

Rio Tinto’s port facilities include four independent shipping terminals at Cape Lambert and Dampier, which are managed by a single system. The terminals have a combined 360Mt/y capacity.

Fenner Dunlop plans to open a new company branch in Karratha to form stronger business ties with the region.

Steve Abbott, Fenner Dunlop chief operating officer, said the two companies viewed the contract as a longstanding partnership.

“The award of this contract is directly attributed to our focus on total conveyor performance, our leadership and training programs and the excellent team we have in Western Australia,” Abbott said.

Fenner Dunlop, now part of the Michelin Group of Companies, has manufacturing plants in Melbourne, Sydney and Perth, and 16 branches nationally.

Australian Government representatives to meet with industry at QME 2018

The Queensland Mining and Engineering Exhibition (QME) 2018 has today announced the attendance of Michaelia Cash, Minister for Jobs and Innovation, Matt Canavan, Minister for Resources and Northern Australia and George Christensen MP, member for Dawson, reaffirming the importance of the sector to the Australian economy.

The Australian Government representatives will join engineers and mining personnel, production managers, and some of the industry’s largest corporations in Mackay from July 24–26 for Queensland’s largest mining and engineering exhibition, which will explore the theme, ‘Productivity, Profitability and Protection’.

According to the Mining in Australia 2018–2032 Report, mining production is likely to grow 5.5 per cent in the current financial year, with maintenance spending also on the rise and the investment decline winding down. To foster the industry growth trajectory, QME 2018 will bring together key industry players to improve collaboration, accelerate innovation and address future barriers.

Since the doors opened 25 years ago to the very first QME, the event has built a longstanding reputation for bringing the best in Australian mining together, to collaborate and consider the industry’s domestic and international outlook,” said Brandon Ward, director of QME 2018.

“The event will also provide the Mackay region with national and international exposure and bolster its reputation as a mining hub, whilst providing visitors an opportunity to enjoy its diverse and vibrant community.”

This year’s exhibition will host more than 230 companies (an impressive 41 per cent increase from QME 2016) including global industry heavyweights Downer Group, Flender, Flexco, FLSmidth, Puma Energy, SMW Group, thyssenkrupp and Valley Longwall International.

Running alongside the exhibition will be a seminar series featuring more than 30 speakers across three days, providing visitors with exclusive access to the latest industry technologies and insights via keynote presentations, panel discussions and case study presentations. The seminar series will focus on six key areas including maintenance, automation and Internet of Things (IoT), procurement and supply chain, renewable energy, transport, and operational health and safety (OH&S).

QME 2018 will feature a Business Matching Program which offers visitors a personalised itinerary of products and companies matched to their areas of interest, to maximise their time on-site.

Weir completes acquisition of ESCO Corp

The Weir Group has completed the acquisition of ESCO Corp, the world’s leading provider of ground engaging tools for surface mining and infrastructure markets, for an enterprise value of $1,285 million.  It follows regulatory clearance for the transaction, which was first announced on 19 April 2018.

Commenting, Weir Group Chief Executive Jon Stanton said:“We are delighted to formally welcome ESCO to Weir.  It is a great brand that is respected throughout the world for its quality, performance and reliability.  ESCO’s strength in extraction complements our leadership in the mill circuit, meaning that together we will have a comprehensive offering for mining companies around the world.”

Current ESCO President and Chief Operating Officer Jon Owens will continue to lead the business as it becomes a division of the Weir Group.  He will also join Weir’s Group Executive committee with immediate effect.

Owens said: “This is an exciting day for ESCO and all our people.  As part of Weir we can create something that is genuinely unique that will help more customers improve their productivity and safety.  No other mining equipment provider will be able to offer customers market-leading solutions from extraction to concentration supported by a service centre network that covers every major mining region in the world.”

ESCO has surface mining’s most extensive installed base of lip systems that house short-cycle consumables, such as teeth, shrouds, adaptors, blades and locking systems, with aftermarket sales representing about 90% of ESCO revenues.  ESCO’s extraction products sit upstream from Weir’s traditional strength in slurry handling equipment with market leading brands including both Warman® and GEHO® pumps, Cavex® hydrocyclones and Linatex® rubber products.

ESCO was founded in Portland, Oregon, in 1913 and currently employs around 2,600 people with operations in 19 countries.  In 2017 it generated revenues of $632 million.

Ricardo Garib, Division President of Weir Minerals, said the combination would be beneficial to customers around the world: “It is great to welcome ESCO to Weir.  They are a business we have admired for some time.  By working together we’ll be able to give customers easier access to more market-leading products and services.  With our global network of over 100 service centres, that means customers will have more of the superior solutions they require, where and when they need them.”

Joe Weber, Vice President of Global Sales for Weir’s ESCO division agreed: “As mining markets grow customers are looking for partners they can trust to help them increase productivity and safety while also lowering their total cost of ownership.  That requires a relentless focus on innovation, quality and close customer proximity, which are the hallmarks of the ESCO® brand.

“As part of Weir we’ll benefit from combining some of the world’s leading materials scientists, applications engineers and developing digital technology to deliver increased innovation in the future, ensuring ESCO remains surface mining’s preferred provider of ground engaging solutions.”

The paradox of India’s infrastructure – Is a lack of physical infrastructure holding India back?

Is a lack of physical infrastructure holding India back? Yes – and no.


While the physical amount of key elements of infrastructure in India benchmark well internationally, the on-the-ground perception for many is that its infrastructure is vastly deficient.


To see if this paradox could be resolved, we studied both the quantity of infrastructure in place and the quality of that stock.


The answer is nuanced.

India needs more infrastructure in some key sectors and better quality in others. Either way, the demand on public and private sector balance sheets to finance the required investments in greenfield projects and upgrading activities will be considerable. So too will be the associated demand for steel – with infrastructure demand expected to increase at an approximate rate of 8%, compound, between 2016 and 2025.

Does India just need more infrastructure?

India’s infrastructure has been much maligned, with descriptions such as ‘insufficient’ freely dispersed by both local experts and international observers. Popular consensus would imply that what the nation has achieved to date, such as halving the country’s poverty rate since the early 1990s1, has been achieved despite its infrastructure.

On a per-unit land area basis, the volume of India’s transport infrastructure looks respectable. So why is the positive impact of these apparently expansive networks not being felt?

Our research brings a new perspective to the discussion. It is true, India’s infrastructure stock has many gaps.  But to fully comprehend the challenge, we must differentiate between quantity shortfalls (i.e. simply not enough stock in place for efficiency’s sake) and lack of quality (i.e. simply not good enough to be internationally competitive).

India’s cumulative road network is 5.5 million kms long, the second largest in the world. That is despite having only the 8th largest land area. The nearest comparable networks are that of the US (6.7 million kms) and China (4.6 million kms).  Note that both countries are approximately three times larger than India in terms of land area and have much higher rates of auto penetration. Similarly, India’s railway network is the 4th largest in the world at over 67,000 kms long, with only the US, China, and Russia (five times larger than India in land area) standing ahead of it.

On a per-unit land area basis, the volume of India’s transport infrastructure looks respectable. So why is the positive impact of these apparently expansive networks not being felt?

Why quality counts

The benefits of having an internationally competitive infrastructure base are self-evident. For India, increasing the quality of the integrated international logistics chain, and the quality of the integrated domestic logistics chain, would have two profound benefits. On the domestic chain, an enormous prize awaits in terms of reducing ‘needless’ food waste2. This would be of tremendous benefit to the entire population, particularly its economically insecure rural population.   Increasing the quality of integrated inward logistics will also support India’s ability to leverage its comparative advantages, allowing domestic resources to flow to their most productive uses. In the specific case of commodities, such as those produced by BHP, India lacks a large, high quality metallurgical coal endowment. Slow and costly logistics from port to mill though act as a constraint on some elements of India’s blast furnace fleet from accessing the best quality raw materials at an internationally competitive delivered price. For India’s steel industry to reach its true potential, competitive access to the best quality seaborne raw materials should play a major part – just as it has done in Japan, South Korea and China.

With that in mind, let’s turn to the quality discussion.

Of India’s total road network is 40% unpaved. The share of expressways in the overall road network is negligible, while national highways are less than 3%. That compares to around 40% in China. Of the highways that do exist, almost 75% are two-lanes wide or less (considering both sides of traffic flow). This drastically reduces not only the amount of traffic the network can handle, but also the ease of traffic movement. The nation’s road network, for its impressive length, is not presently capable of serving as the commercial logistics backbone of the continent-sized mega-market India aspires to be.

We anticipate an approximate 8% per annum compound growth rate for steel use in Indian infrastructure out to 2025.

In railways, the transition from narrow to broad gauge is only just being completed. Almost two thirds of the overall route length consists of single-lines. Less than half of the network is electrified, while large sections of tracks are near end-of-life and require significant maintenance. These factors remain a major drag on the efficiency of the network. The average speed of passenger and goods trains is constrained to 60 kmph and 25 kmph respectively. With the interaction between quality gaps in the road network, and quantity and quality gaps at sea ports, you have a logistics system that is not internationally competitive in terms of domestic commerce, imports or exports.

Once the quality of transport infrastructure is considered, the paradox of globally competitive size of networks coupled with to perceptions of inadequacy, is effectively resolved.

The graphic below details our estimates of the size and distribution of the quality and quantity gaps across the major infrastructure segments, alongside our mid-case view on the development of steel demand across all end-use sector.

We anticipate an approximate 8% per annum compound growth rate for steel use in Indian infrastructure out to 2025.

India’s infrastructure gaps and steel demand

Indian Infrastructure

Infrastructure development: from historical dissonance to contemporary coherence

The contradictions observed in Indian infrastructure are not a coincidence. They are the result of decades of political and bureaucratic incongruence in terms of infrastructure planning and development. A lack of coordination across levels of government allowed for an inefficient combination of project specific planning approaches, isolated project evaluation and top-down execution systems to co-exist.  In addition, the complexities of land acquisition, clearances and approvals, project funding, state-federal grey areas, and a politicised infrastructure construction process resulted in significant inflation of cost and timelines. This has created a geographic and industrial distribution of infrastructure that produced pockets of progress (such as the heavy industrial cluster that rose up in Gujarat under then-Chief Minister Modi) sitting side by side with pronounced gaps across other regions, states and sectors.

Reforms to address the underlying causes of these historical issues have been initiated. The Modi-led government, with its pro-development agenda, has sought a more direct approach to planning and development. With planning more centralised, it complements the development of a strategic long-term national vision, taking into account an integrated view across sectors. The ‘Bharatmala’ program for highways and roads, ‘Sagarmala’ for ports and the ‘National Rail Plan 2030’ are three concrete examples.

In parallel, there are efforts to decentralise project execution to improve efficiency. This will include increased outsourcing and greater private sector participation.

These encouraging signs are an excellent start on the path to realising India’s long run economic potential. Realistically of course, it will take some time for these changes in planning and execution methodology to trickle down through India’s elaborate bureaucratic machinery and translate to discernible impacts on the ground. Count us as cautiously optimistic.

1 Based on World Bank data, India’s headcount poverty ratio has declined from 45.3% in 1993 to 21.9% in 2011 (the last available data).
2 http://www.fao.org/save-food/projects/study-fl-india/en/


Drones on Demand: Should You Outsource?

Drone usage on construction jobsites is growing—as is another trend related to drones. Many construction companies are foregoing training their workers on how to operate drones, and as a result, they are outsourcing the task.


One new example of this comes from DroneDeploy, which recently announced its Drone on Demand solution, which lets customers plan a flight mission using DroneDeploy’s cloud platform and then request a certified professional pilot from DroneBase.

The company will then go to the site, perform the flight, and collect aerial data. After planning a flight and requesting a pilot, photos, maps, and 3D models appear within 72 hours. This enables construction companies to make informed decisions based on the data—without actually having to fly the drone themselves.

As another example, Measure, a drone-as-a-service company, is providing turnkey and toolkit commercial drone solutions to acquire, process, and deliver actionable aerial data to enterprise customers.

Looking even further down the road, perhaps construction companies won’t need to outsource this area of the business at all, rather the drones will fly themselves autonomously. Skydio recently announced a self-flying camera for consumers. A service like this just might be invaluable to the construction industry as well.

Until that time, there are a number of services available for construction companies that want to outsource flying drones on projects.