7 Must-Have Productivity Apps for 2018

construction productivity appsIn the face of progressing technology, it can be easy to become cluttered and confused when trying to communicate. A phone full of confusing or only partially understood apps can seriously slow down productivity and overall workflow.

Tess Vismale of DAHLIA+ agency spoke at CONEXPO/CON-AGG 2017 on some of the most helpful productivity apps to keep the workday on schedule and even keep personal habits healthy.

Here are the top seven mobile apps for taking control of workflow:

  1. Productive tops Vismale’s list as a brilliant tool for forming good-habits and prompting the completion of tasks. By inputting desired tasks and goals, Productive reminds the user at convenient times of their habits, whether they be professional, personal or even medical.
  1. Slack combines the convenience of email with the flexibility of social media to create a powerful, all-in-one messaging service. Users can organize their conversations by project, department, or simply by individual, allowing for individuals to be easily added and dropped from different threads. Slack additionally provides a subscription service, in which one user can allow other users to ask common questions.
  1. MobileDay is a conference call app that combines a user’s schedule with call functionality, allowing them to connect to everyone in the call with one button. Additionally, MobileDay can send alerts for upcoming conferences calls and allows users to notify other members of the call if they are running late.
  1. Clarke.ai is a text-to-speech app that can be invited to conference calls or meetings to take notes and record all conversations for later use.
  1. Outlook is an email app designed for efficiency on mobile phones; for example, a user can schedule the appearance and disappearance of emails in their inbox to allow them to focus on the most important ones when necessary. It also includes features that used to be limited to desktop computer, like integrating with Dropbox and Google Drive.
  1. Unroll.me can organize an email inbox based upon a user’s subscriptions, sending updates on received emails either daily or weekly to cut down on distraction and wasted time. For example, a user could opt to not read their Instagram email until Friday at noon every week, to condense the amount of time spent.
  1. Evernote creates notes with a myriad of extra features, such as stylus compatibility, document scanning and an image search engine. This means that any scanned or photographed document can be searched by the text printed on it, effectively digitizing printed business cards and spreadsheets.

The sheer volume of available apps and their many functions can seem overwhelming, but these tools can provide the edge and make the difference between a productive work week and an exhausting one.

Craving More Information?

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For those unable to attend the education sessions or who would like a copy of what was presented, recordings are available for purchase on a USB drive. There are over 130+ unique sessions from all ten education tracks: Aggregates, Asphalt, Concrete, Earthmoving & Site Development, Cranes, Rigging & Aerial Lift, Safety & Regulation, Technology, Equipment Management & Maintenance, Management: Business Best Practices and Management: Workforce Development.

For more information and to purchase education program recordings, visit http://www.conexpoconagg.com/visit/education/.