FQM to reduce mining at Ravensthorpe



Nickel ore. Image: Adwo/stock.adobe.com

First Quantum Minerals (FQM) will scale back its operations at its Ravensthorpe nickel mine in Western Australia.

The company said the decision is a result of the significant downturn in nickel prices experienced during 2023, combined with the currently high operating costs in WA.

Approximately 30 per cent of the 420-person workforce will be let go, with contractors to be redeployed by their employers.

FQM said it will lean on ore stockpiles to continue producing nickel, which are expected to be processed over the next 18 months.

Mining is set to resume at the Hale Bopp and Halley’s ore bodies when prices recover as part of the company’s three-year plan.

“Transitioning to a new operating model will allow us to continue to produce and export our nickel product, which is a critical mineral and has a lower carbon footprint than other suppliers,” Ravensthorpe nickel operation general manager Scott Whitehead said.

“The operational changes will ensure Ravensthorpe remains viable longer term and we will retain most of our residential and FIFO workforce, thereby supporting the communities of Hopetoun and Ravensthorpe and providing income for the region and Western Australia.

“It’s important we position ourselves to respond in a timely manner to future improvements in the nickel price by being able to reactivate our mining activities at the preferred time.”

FQM expects Ravensthorpe will produce approximately 16,000 contained tonnes of nickel per annum over the next three years.

Glencore to close Mount Isa


Glencore Mount Isa

Glencore has announced plans to close its Mount Isa copper operations in Queensland by the end of 2025, but said it will keep its other metal assets open.

Operating for over 60 years, the company’s copper mine life has already been extended six years past its original life expectancy.

All three copper mines at the Mount Isa operation – Enterprise, X41 and Black Rock – are set to close, as well as the company’s copper concentrator.

Other Mount Isa mines and operations will remain open, including the copper smelter, the George Fisher mine, the zinc-lead concentrator, the lead smelter in Mount Isa, as well as the copper refinery in Townsville.

Glencore said it has conducted a range of studies and reviews seeking to further extend the life of the underground copper mines, but the end of mine life has been confirmed.

Glencore’s Lady Loretta zinc mine, located 140km north-west of Mount Isa, which was a finite orebody with a seven-year mine life, will also close in 2025.

“We know this decision will be disappointing for our people, our suppliers, and the Mount Isa community,” Glencore Australia zinc asset chief operating officer Sam Strohmayr said.

“The reality of mining is that mines have a beginning, middle and end. And unfortunately, after 60 years of operation, Mount Isa’s underground copper operations have now reached that end.

“We want to give our people as much time as possible to consider the best options for them and their families, which is why we are notifying our workers and the community almost two years before these mines close.

“Our focus over the coming months will be to work closely with our people and contractors, our suppliers, and the Mount Isa community to provide support as we move towards closure of these assets.”

Glencore’s Mount Isa underground copper mines, copper concentrator and supporting services currently employ around 1200 people.

First Quantum Minerals’ Honeymoon continues


Boss Energy Honeymoon uranium project.

Canadian-based First Quantum Minerals has commenced a maiden diamond drilling program along the Yarramba Palaeovalley on the tenements of Boss Energy’s Honeymoon uranium project in South Australia.

Boss Energy first entered into an exploration earn-in agreement with First Quantum Minerals in February 2022. The agreement covers the base metals rights of five tenements at the Honeymoon project, which commenced mining operations last week.

“With a proven track record in discovering and developing deposits, Boss considers First Quantum Minerals an ideal partner in the exploration and potential development of any base or precious metal discoveries at Honeymoon,” Boss Energy said of the agreement.

The new drilling program will target basement-hosted base metal mineralisation below the Yarramba Palaeovalley and will cover three high-priority targets identified from extensive analysis and modelling of geophysical and geochemical datasets.

It will consist of at least five diamond core holes for a minimum of 1800m drilling. Global drilling company DDH1 – which was acquired by Perenti last week – will complete the 4–6 week-long drilling program.

The geochemical assay results are expected to return within 1–2 months after the program’s completion.

“This agreement is an outstanding opportunity for Boss and our shareholders,” Boss Energy managing director Duncan Craib said.

“We have a global leader in First Quantum Minerals funding base metals exploration at Honeymoon, giving Boss significant exposure to their success at no cost to us while we focus on our goal of becoming Australia’s next uranium producer.”

After the drilling program’s completion, First Quantum Minerals may choose to earn a 51 per cent interest in its agreement with Boss by spending $6 million on exploration within five years, as well as maintaining minimum annual expenditure on the project of $500,000.

If First Quantum Minerals follows this path, it will enter into a joint venture agreement with Boss Energy.

Metso reveals India expansion

Metso has chartered a new path in India after announcing plans to extend its manufacturing capacity of mobile track-mounted crushing and screening equipment.  

The company will expand its manufacturing operations in Alwar in India. The Alwar facility will be 35 per cent bigger at 340,000 square metres.  

The Alwar facility is one of Metso’s biggest manufacturing facilities. The site employees 1300 people with a production ramp up expected to continue into the next year.  

The factory, which originally opened in 2008, was showcased on September 19 with the new expansion. Key features, according to Metso, include automated warehousing, automated assembly lines, modern painting lines and 13,000 solar panels installed to enable increased energy production. After the extension, solar energy covers 85 per cent of Alwar’s total power generation, which is the maximum permitted as per state government guidelines. 

President of the Aggregates business area of Metso Markku Simula said the expansion was key for Metso.  

”With the increased manufacturing capacity, Alwar becomes the major Metso site for increased domestic business in India and exports to Metso’s customers globally. Additionally, significant investment has been made in engineering and R&D resources, making it one of our key global engineering hubs,” he said. 

The increased capacity in India will be used for the manufacturing of mobile McCloskey and Tesab equipment. At the same site, Metso is also producing wear parts and pumps for the aggregates and mining industries

Metso expands into Finland


Metso has announced an expansion of its process piloting capabilities in Finland to keep up with the needs of the battery industry.

This expansion has involved Metso modernising its pilot facility at the Metso Research Centre in Pori, Finland, with expanded capabilities for lithium hydroxide and other battery chemicals process testing.

Metso has also opened a battery materials precursor pilot plant as part of the expansion, which is now available for customer trials.

“Pilot run requests for battery minerals like lithium, nickel and cobalt have increased significantly during the last three years,” Metso director for hydrometallurgical research and development Janne Karonen said.

“Currently, we are working on several battery black mass recycling and precursor projects and have several lithium and other battery chemicals project pilots on our laboratory schedule.”

Metso said the pilot facility expansion complements its front-running piloting capabilities for minerals processing and metals refining, as well as enables minerals and battery industry customers to have end-to-end testing and having its piloting services and technology and equipment deliveries come from one supplier.

The Finland expansion ties into Metso’s 20 year experience in developing sustainable hard rock lithium soda leaching technologies.

The engineering company announced earlier in the week the opening of new manufacturing facilities in Alwar, India.

Allkem Technical Collaboration on Lithium Potential in Ravensthorpe

NickelSearch与Allkem开启技术合作 股价跃升61%

2023-09-12 10:03:10 (AET) by Edward Zhang   733

矿产勘探公司 NickelSearch(ASX:NIS)提供了其在西澳大利亚Ravensthorpe附近的Carlingup镍硫化物项目锂潜力评估进展的最新进展。

澳股资讯平台 – 61 Financial 9月11日讯矿产勘探公司 NickelSearch(ASX:NIS)周二发布公告,提供了其在西澳大利亚Ravensthorpe附近的Carlingup镍硫化物项目锂潜力评估进展的最新进展。

公司指出,NickelSearch和Allkem Limited(ASX:AKE)已同意就Carlingup的锂远景开展技术合作。



NickelSearch董事总经理Nicole Duncan评论道:“NickelSearch很高兴开始与Allkem进行技术合作,Allkem是位于Ravensthorpe的Mt catlin锂矿的所有者和运营商,距离Carlingup仅10公里。鉴于Mt Cattlin和Carlingup之间的地质情况相似,两家公司已同意共同评估我们项目的锂潜力。”

“Mt Cattlin的勘探团队正在分享其在绿地锂勘探方面的丰富技术专长,NickelSearch正在分享迄今为止完成的工作数据。这些讨论是基于合作精神的,成功将使两家公司为双方关系的进一步发展做好准备。”

Nickel Search Limited是一家矿产勘探公司,目前专注于在现有矿区勘探硫化镍矿床。此外,公司在西澳拥有在Ravensthorpe绿岩带覆盖107.4平方公里的矿权,该矿权位于南部的Yilgarn Craton边境和Forrestania – Ravensthorpe镍矿带,该矿带是极具前景的硫化镍矿床。




公司公告Allkem Technical Collaboration on Lithium Potential

Sims – metal recycle company

金属回收公司Sims公布运营更新 市场钢铁需求低迷

2023-09-11 09:56:47 (AET) by Edward Zhang   773

金属回收公司 Sims(ASX:SGM)报告称,截至2023年8月15日,市场钢铁需求仍然低迷,废钢价格似乎不足以刺激强劲的废钢供应。

澳股资讯平台 – 61 Financial 9月11日讯金属回收公司 Sims(ASX:SGM)周一发布公告,提供了24财年的运营更新。






  • 金属密集型基础设施支出;
  • 全球炼钢脱碳,包括电弧炉的增长;
  • 目前碳密集型产品的电气化。






公司公告Update On Market Conditions

KOCH Solutions take FLSmidth

润邦股份旗下KOCH Solutions成功收购FLSmidth散料装卸及输送装备业务

润邦股份2023-09-04 20:37
润邦股份旗下KOCH Solutions成功收购FLSmidth散料装卸及输送装备业务近日,润邦股份旗下德国公司KOCH Solutions成功收购了FLSmidth的散料装卸及输送业务,该业务包括FLSmidth曾收购Sandvik Mining Systems和ThyssenKrupp Fördertechnik的散料装卸及输送业务。
KOCH(柯赫)通过该业务的收购拥有了来自FLSmidth和Mining Technologies(前TK)在码头和堆场以及各类露天矿连续开采设备的知识产权、专有技术、项目业绩和售后服务网络。同时,KOCH承继了FLSmidth在德国和澳洲的核心团队以及办公大楼、售后车间和仓库等硬件设施。

KOCH Solutions作为一家历史悠久的工业企业距今已有近80年的发展历史,在散料装卸及输送装备领域享有很高的声誉,一直以高质量的产品和优质的服务吸引着全球客户。毫无疑问,这次收购是KOCH Solutions对全球最先进的散料装卸及输送技术和市场的完美整合。FLSmidth原业务产品、技术和市场份额将帮助KOCH Solutions带来更多的资源和优势。对KOCH而言,这次收购是80年发展历史上的又一次跨越式发展,极大提升了KOCH在市场上的竞争力。该收购作为润邦股份全球化战略计划的一部分,是润邦近年来在全球化布局方面的一颗关键落子。它将极大地提升润邦股份和KOCH在全球散料装卸及输送装备业务领域的规模和行业影响力,尤其对于全球范围的矿山、堆场和码头的业务,使得KOCH的竞争力和行业地位迅速迈入全球第一梯队,从而进一步提升润邦股份的国际化水平及全球行业地位。 KOCH将继续保持良好发展势头,做好资源和技术整合,为企业创造更多商业成果和社会效益,为客户提供更好的产品和服务,为行业带来更多的创新和变革。

BHP worker housing approved in Kalgoorlie



The City of Kalgoorlie-Boulder.

City of Kalgoorlie-Boulder councillors have voted to lease council land to BHP for temporary worker accommodation, with a total of 1152 new rooms to be built.

Located in Somerville, the three-year lease agreement is touted to bring in $1.3 million a year to the council in rent and rates.

The camp has also been granted three one-year options after the initial leasing period.

BHP will now seek building approval for the camp, which will house workers for the construction of a furnace rebuild for the company’s nickel smelter as part of its Nickel West division.

“This is a big decision for the city, and we want to do what is best for our community long term,” City of Kalgoorlie-Boulder mayor John Bowler said.

“BHP have advised that 60 per cent of its workforce for its Kalgoorlie nickel smelter renewal project would be housed in the temporary village and this would not only ease the burden on residential housing but also have significant benefits for the local economy.”

BHP’s submission was recommended to the council due to the significant financial return it could create in terms of future services for ratepayers.

These funds will be held in city’s future projects reserve for the development of the area as traditional residential housing.

Kalgoorlie-Boulder deputy mayor Glenn Wilson told the ABC the camp is necessary to reduce pressure on the city’s housing market.

“We’ve already got $900-a-week rents in Lamington and that will only increase, putting further strain on family budgets,” he said.

BHP’s WA operations supply nickel to world markets for use in electric vehicle batteries and other growing technologies with an aim to support global decarbonisation.

BHP employs 2500 people across its Nickel West operations, a large portion of which are fly-in, fly-out (FIFO) workers.

Onetrak opens new Sydney branch


Onetrak has officially opened its Sydney branch in Moorebank, located 27km from the Sydney business district and nearby the M5 Motorway and M7 interchange.

Onetrak has officially opened its Sydney branch in Moorebank, located 27km from the Sydney business district and nearby the M5 Motorway and M7 interchange.

The new Sydney branch is the eighth Onetrak branch. The company has locations around Australia including Bridgewater in Tasmania’s south, Somerset in Tasmania’s north, Hallam in Victoria, Tumut in New South Wales, Albany in Western Australia, Mt Gambier in South Australia and Caboolture in Queensland.

Onetrak is home to large brands within the earthmoving, forestry, material handling and extractive industries. The business offering includes new and used machine sales, rental equipment, service and parts.

Onetrak’s brand portfolio includes Hidromek, Tigercat, Striker, Anaconda, Dressta, Terex Fuchs, EIW Nirox, Alicon, Timber Max, Veriga and Rotobec nationwide and additionally it has Hyundai in Tasmania only.

The company’s regional manager for QLD and NSW, Brad Madden, will be heading the branch and is looking forward to being a part of Onetrak’s growth in the Sydney area.

“Onetrak have had a presence in Sydney for the last three years gradually stepping into the market as we grew,” he said.

“The time has now come to commit to our own facility, and we are excited and serious about providing service and support for our customers. We are currently running two fully maintained service vehicles, have a sales team and parts support for the area. The move into our new facility at Moorebank provides us with a large yard, plenty of hard stand area, office space to accommodate our team and a large warehouse.

“We will be able to hold more parts to make a quicker turn around for our valued customers along with a large workshop space to better service our customers machinery. I personally am excited about the growth we are seeing in Sydney and am excited to be a part of the Sydney journey.”

Onetrak managing director David Hazell said it was important to establish a presence in Sydney as part of the company’s business plan to become a truly national heavy equipment dealer.

“With the help of our loyal customers and fantastic brands, Onetrak has grown beyond our original expectations, and it was important we established a full-time presence in Sydney to better support our growing client base and key franchises in this important region,” Hazell said.

“We are extremely fortunate to have some of the most talented and dedicated employees in the industry working for Onetrak and it’s the company’s family feel and commitment to providing exceptional customer service that has allowed us to grow and prosper in what is otherwise a saturated and competitive space.

“We really look forward to growing and expanding the business further in conjunction with our people and providing a level of customer service that is recognised with our Onetrak brand”.

The Sydney branch is located at 9 Helles Ave, Moorebank, and can be contacted at 02 8729 8400.